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The Jesus Bible Reading PlanNäide

The Jesus Bible Reading Plan

DAY 113 OF 365


The psalmist considered a debt of praise still owed to God, remembering the dramatic ways God showed his might through the creation of the world (vv. 6 – 7). The psalmist also thanked God for the forgiveness of sins — mindful that in the time before God intervened, the people had been overwhelmed (v. 3). In addition, Psalm 65 celebrates God’s providence over all of the blessings people enjoy (vv. 9 – 13). All good things that happen on the earth are the result of God’s intentional works of love, faithfulness and care.

When Jesus entered the world, people were still helpless under the guilt of sin. Yet Christ died and rose again for the ungodly as a demonstration of God’s love for sinners (Ro 5:6 – 8). Jesus’ sacrifice enabled everyone who will trust Jesus to have a relationship with God through faith. This relationship provides access to the providential benefits of God’s power. Those who believe in Jesus enjoy the blessings that accompany God’s favor. He is a good Father to his adopted sons and daughters.

Jesus, I owe you a debt of praise. I praise you for loving sinners enough to give your life. I praise you for your power and the manifold blessings that power brings—including my adoption into your family. Amen.


Day 112Day 114