The Jesus Bible Reading PlanNäide

King Ahaz observed a pagan altar while visiting Damascus and purposed to construct a similar altar in the temple of God in Jerusalem, which would have been a further sign of submission to the Assyrians. After he commanded Uriah to construct an altar following the pattern of the one in Damascus, Ahaz offered worship upon the pagan altar in the temple of God. This act demonstrated the profound moral perversion of the nation of Judah. The king himself, who functioned as the people’s leader and representative, offered false worship on the site where God was meant to be worshiped.
Jesus faced a similar situation when he observed the money changers and merchants in the temple of God. Jesus drove the people from the temple because he was angered that his house was turned into a den of robbers (Mt 21:12 – 13). Judah’s moral decline did not stop with King Ahaz. Repeatedly the people demonstrated an impoverished view of God by practicing false worship.
The church throughout all generations must guard itself at all costs against twisting God’s good gifts into a means of false worship. They must work to protect God’s church from those who would lead them to worship something other than God.
Jesus, protect your body from the temptations of false worship. Encourage us to dig into your Word so we will not easily be led astray. Amen.
About this Plan

This year-long reading plan features devotionals from The Jesus Bible, which explores how Jesus can be found in both the Old and New Testaments.
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