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Daily Bible Reading – September 2022: "God’s Renewing Word of Wisdom"Näide

Daily Bible Reading – September 2022: "God’s Renewing Word of Wisdom"

DAY 26 OF 30

September 26


Among the New Testament books, the letter of James is considered a type of wisdom literature inasmuch as it contains practical advice on how people are to live. It begins as a letter written to Christians throughout the Roman Empire (1:1), whose primary focus is to encourage moral behavior. In this first chapter, the writer admonishes his readers to ask God for wisdom, remain faithful when faced with trials, control anger, obey God, and control their tongues.

Scripture Reading

James 1:1-27

Today’s Key Verse: James 1:22

Do not deceive yourselves by just listening to his word; instead, put it into practice.


Why does James tell his readers that they should consider themselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come their way (verse 2)? What trials have you faced in your life? How did you handle them? Why does James encourage his readers to pray for wisdom (verse 5)? What advice from James do you find to be relevant for your life today?


Sovereign God, teach me to seek wisdom from you. Guide my actions this day and keep me strong in faith when I face trials and temptations, so the world does not corrupt me. Teach me to submit to you and to accept the word you are planting in my heart today. Amen.

And now, join us in thanking God that the first fully translated Bible has been received in the Kuria community. Sovereign God, after 39 years of difficult translation work by translators in Kenya and Tanzania, the Kuria community received its first Bible earlier this year. Over 900,000 Igikuria speakers will now be able to engage with the Bible in their heart language. We pray for your blessings, Lord God, as the Bible Society of Kenya continues its Bible translation efforts to reach even more believers, including speakers of the Banyala, Mwimbi Muthambi, and Teso languages. Amen.

Tomorrow’s Reading

James 2:1-26: James warns against prejudice and exhorts his readers to demonstrate their faith by their actions.


Day 25Day 27

About this Plan

Daily Bible Reading – September 2022: "God’s Renewing Word of Wisdom"

Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage, key verses for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and prayers to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “God’s Renewing Word of Wisdom.”
