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Small MiraclesNäide

Small Miracles

DAY 6 OF 10

The miracle of LIVING!

It happens 22,000 (approximately) times a day and I rarely think about it.

I breathe.

When I think about it, this Small Miracle happens to me, thousands of times a day. God is the originator of every breath that I will ever take in my lifetime and I am so grateful to be breathing right now!

Over the past 2.5 years, as a pastor, I spent many hours in the COVID Intensive Care Unit doing my best to bring comfort to people who were struggling to breathe. I would pray with them and ask God to restore their lungs so that they breathe without effort. God answered many of those prayers for help. I was so grateful to be present as their labored breathing became easier, rhythmic, and restored. This was not the case for all that I prayed for in the hospital. For some, their breathing grew shallow and ceased as God chose to take them home. I have to trust in God’s timing and plan.

Witnessing both the relief and the labor of breathing, I have become more aware of the Small Miracles of health and breathing. The Bible says that every breath is a GIFT!

“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.” (Acts 17:24-25, NIV)

The Bible says that every breath matters!

“My words come from an upright heart; my lips sincerely speak what I know. The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”

(Jeremiah 33:3-4, NIV)

I want to use the Small Miracle of every breath to praise and honour God! I want Jesus to be the very air that I breathe! I want to live, thrive, and give meaning and purpose to every precious breath that God gives me!

Today, how can you use the miracle of life and health to change your world? Take a moment and thank God that you are breathing! Thank Him for life and breath! Now, purpose in your heart to make every breath count!

Just for reference, you breathed approximately 50 times while you were reading this devotional! You made those 50 breaths count - don’t waste another breath!

You are a miracle!

Grant Fishbook

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