The Sisterhood BookNäide

"From Small Beginnings"
Small beginnings are full of defining moments and fond memories that mustn’t be forgotten. At the time, they may seem embarrassing or just plain awful, but down the track, they are the things that make for priceless camaraderie, endearment, and heart-warming comic relief when needed.
Our first ever gathering of girls was full of hilarious moments, mostly because we didn’t have a clue what we were doing! Although we weren’t fully aware at the time of all that was to unfold, the fruit has since emerged and matured.
It takes time for a seed to germinate and mature into what God intended - and our lives are no different. It’s not a question of how big or small the beginning is, but what matters is the potential within it and the purpose God intends.
God said, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” He was speaking to the young prophet Zechariah about the rebuilding of the second temple in 520 BC during the reign of Darius. I love the insight it gives us into the heart of God about the beginnings of things in our lives. When we hear the whisper of God and gather the courage and faith to obey, it’s heartening to know that God not only sees our humble outset but He rejoices!
Can you imagine how Moses must have felt when God told him to confront pharaoh? "What if they will not believe me or listen to what I say? For they may say, 'The LORD has not appeared to you.’” That’s exactly how I felt all those years ago. But I love how God breaks it down to our level just like He did with Moses... “What is that in your hand?”
Start where you are and be faithful with what you have; step across those self-imposed lines of containment and remember to enjoy the journey - God will cause your faith and patience to bring forth much fruit.
Small beginnings are full of defining moments and fond memories that mustn’t be forgotten. At the time, they may seem embarrassing or just plain awful, but down the track, they are the things that make for priceless camaraderie, endearment, and heart-warming comic relief when needed.
Our first ever gathering of girls was full of hilarious moments, mostly because we didn’t have a clue what we were doing! Although we weren’t fully aware at the time of all that was to unfold, the fruit has since emerged and matured.
It takes time for a seed to germinate and mature into what God intended - and our lives are no different. It’s not a question of how big or small the beginning is, but what matters is the potential within it and the purpose God intends.
God said, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” He was speaking to the young prophet Zechariah about the rebuilding of the second temple in 520 BC during the reign of Darius. I love the insight it gives us into the heart of God about the beginnings of things in our lives. When we hear the whisper of God and gather the courage and faith to obey, it’s heartening to know that God not only sees our humble outset but He rejoices!
Can you imagine how Moses must have felt when God told him to confront pharaoh? "What if they will not believe me or listen to what I say? For they may say, 'The LORD has not appeared to you.’” That’s exactly how I felt all those years ago. But I love how God breaks it down to our level just like He did with Moses... “What is that in your hand?”
Start where you are and be faithful with what you have; step across those self-imposed lines of containment and remember to enjoy the journey - God will cause your faith and patience to bring forth much fruit.
About this Plan

Do you have a burning desire to do something significant with your life but don’t know where to begin? Do you see the overwhelming injustice and darkness in the earth and long to bring hope where hope has been lost? Bobbie Houston has especially prepared this unique 7-day Sisterhood Devotional journey to reveal God’s heart-to-heart whisper for your life. Find your place of influence; be empowered as a catalyst for change; face the future with a smile and ‘shout’ of expectation as you help to make the world a better place.