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When Small Means BigNäide

When Small Means Big

DAY 5 OF 5

The Hard Path of Humility

If you’re like me, you’ll admit that even after several days of talking about how God uses small things, it’s still hard to believe. It’s hard to see the “mustard seeds” in our lives as opportunities for great growth. Is God working in the unseen, furthering His kingdom, and strengthening his children through those who aren’t on the stage doing “great” things?

No one would have ever thought a mustard seed would be able to move mountains! Jesus says in Matthew 17:20,

"He replied, 'Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'"

Moving mountains is a big deal. Imagine the amount of equipment and the number of years it would take to move a mountain from where it stands into the sea? Yet once again, God is letting us know that small doesn’t mean weak or incapable. Our small acts of service - caring for children, giving to the poor on the side of the road, speaking encouraging words to a friend, or following through when we commit to something - point to a God who says that “being faithful in the little things is faithful in much” (Luke 16:10). Our small acts of love and faith can move mountains of fear, shame, hopelessness, and fatigue in those around us, one small decision at a time.

Why do we minimize the little things God calls us to and resist the humility and growth that will come? It can be hard and discouraging to recognize the small steps toward growth when we long for big opportunities to make a difference in such a broken world. There is hope when we acknowledge God is working in the small and unforeseen things to spread the kingdom like wildfire throughout the earth. He’s using the gift of humility and weakness for glory and redemption! Just as Jesus did on earth, humbling himself and dying on a cross for our redemption, this one story of a mustard seed is mirroring the image of God’s plan all along.

Prayer: God, I admit it. I’m proud. I can be blind sometimes and only see You working when something big happens. I don’t have eyes to see the small steps I’m taking to grow. Too often, I fail to see the work You’re doing in others’ lives, too, because it’s just not big and obvious enough. Help me be content with small acts of service and the difference they can make in others’ lives. I can only do this with Your help.

Day 4

About this Plan

When Small Means Big

While we might look at some things as small, God sees small things under the microscope of meaning and purpose. He knew we would struggle with feeling small and insignificant, and so over the next five days, we will be looking at stories and scriptures that God highlights the significance of the small things.
