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The Compassion CollectiveSample

The Compassion Collective

DAY 2 OF 5

The love dimension – discovering more about God’s love for humankind

I wonder what your definition of the word ‘Love’ is? The dictionary’s definition is ‘an intense feeling of deep affection’.

Love is more than a heart emoji or a ‘like’ on someone’s social media post. It’s more than the flutters you may get in a new relationship; it goes beyond just physical expression or even a passion you have for a sport or a hobby.

John 3:16 says: 

‘For God so loved the World that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not die, but have everlasting life.’ 

God didn’t just love; He so loved! 

God didn’t just love one nation or a select few, He loved the world. 

God loved the world so much that He even gave the thing most precious to Him - His Son!

You see, God is Love. It is not an attribute or a characteristic of God. Love is who He is, and He loves you! 

Why not stop reading for a moment and just thank God for His Love?

Read John 4:7-11

The sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross brought about our forgiveness, reconciliation, freedom, and eternity with God. The righteousness of Jesus cancelled out our unrighteousness because the justice we deserved was served upon Jesus, who paid the price of our sin. 

The grace that you and I have received from Heaven downwards now needs to be extended outwards to others.

One day Jesus was asked which of all the commandments was the most important? Jesus sums up the two greatest commandments simply as: ‘Love God… Love your neighbour…' Mark 12:28-31.

Later in Luke 10:29, an expert in the law asks Jesus, ‘Who is my neighbour?’

The interesting thing in the story that Jesus then told was that the Good Samaritan turned out to be the neighbour, so maybe he should be called the Good Neighbour instead. However, he showed mercy and kindness and compassion to the man who had fallen into the hands of the robbers recognising that despite all the cultural differences between them, this man was his neighbour and he needed to show love to him. 

Today, who can I be a good neighbour to? Where and to whom can I demonstrate the love of Jesus? 


Father, we stand amazed at the overwhelming love that you have for us. Thank you for accepting us for who we are and pouring your love into our hearts. May we overflow that same love and acceptance into the lives of those we meet today in our families, workplace, place of education or in the street. In Jesus Name! Amen!

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