My Jesus 5-Day Devotional by Anne WilsonNäide

DAY 1- Christ Over the Crash
It was 3:30 am. I remember the flashing blue lights outside of my bedroom window, and soon after that, the sight of six men in uniform standing at our front door. As I saw my parents' faces in utter despair, I knew something was wrong. My 23-year-old brother Jacob had died in a car accident, and our lives were forever changed.
I felt hopeless, like I couldn’t take my next breath, but later that night, I heard God speak to me for the first time since the accident: “Anne, do you trust me?” I responded, “Jesus, I trust you,” and immediately I felt a weight lifted off of my shoulders. He told me that He would give me everything I needed to get through this tragedy. And He has faithfully kept that promise.
Can I tell you about My Jesus?
God never intended for pain and suffering, but sin entered the world, leaving us all broken without Jesus. We will endure pain and suffering in this world, but our choice is this: Are we going to walk alone, or are we going to walk through every valley with Jesus by our side?
He beckons us in Matthew 11:28-29: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” His words reach out to us in every moment and come alive with compassionate clarity in the times of our deepest needs.
Journaling became a part of my healing process and the outpouring of my heart soon turned into songs. As I began to write one day, I noticed that I never wrote just “Jesus.” I wrote “My Jesus.” My Jesus. Your Jesus. Our Jesus. It turns out adding a pronoun reminds us that His glory became cloaked in humanity. He is more than the Most High. He is the One who holds our hearts in our lowest moments.
While the crash in our lives may look different, we all experience them. Your crash may be heartbreaking loss like mine. Or it may be crushing anxiety or depression. Thoughts of worthlessness. Abuse. Betrayal. Or a crisis of your faith. No matter the circumstance, the same Jesus that is in my life can be the same Jesus in yours.
What is your crash? Are you willing to let Jesus into your most difficult moment and trust Him today? Let My Jesus change your life. Let Him be Your Jesus, too.
Pray this prayer: Lord, I invite you into my heart and into my life. I don’t know where to take my next step, but I want it to be with You. Give me the strength I need to endure the hardships I am facing and help me use them for good. Amen.
About this Plan

No matter what you're facing, waiting on, dreaming up, or praying for—Jesus is for you, He loves you, and He has made a way for you. Nothing is too big or too small for Jesus. Find out how to grow your faith, love, and trust for Jesus in this 5-day devotional based on themes from the song "My Jesus" by Anne Wilson and her miraculous testimony of faith.