"Yes He Can" Reading Plan by CAINNäide

Day 2 - Yes, He Can! - Madison Cain Johnson
“Sometimes those voices try to tell me I'm forgotten, and I've fallen too far from His hands”
Did you know you talk to yourself?
I don't mean talking to yourself in a weird, people staring at you sideways kind of way. Although if you do audibly talk to yourself, I have no problems with that.
But every day, whether we realize it or not, we are telling ourselves things about life, God, and our experiences.
In fact, the Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:5 that one of the biggest things we as believers have to overcome is not other people. It’s our own mind.
We know that our hearts and minds can be deceitful and wicked. (Jeremiah 17:9) And we can't always trust our feelings, because not every thought we think is true, noble, right, or pure. (Philippians 4:8)
That's because the voice of the deceiver can get in our heads. And let me tell you - He LOVES to tell us that we’re forgotten by God. He wants us to give up, to think that we've fallen too far away from God's hand.
But faith is being CONFIDENT in what we hope for and certain of what we don’t see yet. (Hebrews 11:1)
That means we can be certain of who God is and the fact that He can do anything.
Friend, we can TRUST every single one of God's promises. Because He is the Truth, everything He has promised is true.
God is our everlasting Father. (Isaiah 9:6) He's a miracle worker (Psalm 77:14).
So is God bigger than our thoughts? Can He do anything? “Yes, He can!” No matter what today brings or what tomorrow holds.
Ready for a challenge?
The next time you hear that voice of negativity or doubt come up, root yourself in what is TRUE.
We've got to open our Bibles and memorize the promises of scripture. Let's get connected with other believers who can remind us of God's goodness, and find spiritual mentors and community to cheer us on.
Prayer: Thank you God for always providing a way, even when we thought we couldn't make it. Thank you that every day you're doing miracles, even in the little things. Lord, today we pray that you would increase our faith. Remind us that there is NOTHING you can't do, and help us live like we believe it! Amen.
About this Plan

Come along as we spend three days in the Word, being reminded that God can do anything! Inspired by our song, “Yes He Can” this plan highlights the miracles God did in the Bible, and the everyday miracles He's still doing today. We hope you'll be encouraged and that it will build your faith. Thank you for reading and studying with us! - Taylor, Madison, and Logan (of CAIN)