Practical Words for Encouraging Your DaughterNäide

Day Two
“The Father’s hand is on you.”
Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:7; Deuteronomy 30:14; Psalm 32:8; Isaiah 55:11
As parents, our God-given job is to help our kids not only know what God is like but also know Him intimately. In Deuteronomy 6:7, we, as parents, are commissioned to teach our children about God all day: morning, noon, and night: “You shall teach [these words that I command you] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house when you walk by the way when you lie down, and when you rise up” (NKJV).
Your daughter needs to understand that God is there, He cares, and He is involved in all of the details of her life. Life is very effective at getting us to question God, His plan, and His goodness. In fact, the first thing God’s enemy did in the garden of Eden was to question what God had said.
At some point, your daughter will question if what God says about her in His Word is true. She is growing up in a world that says the way God created her is not okay. It tells her she needs to change, improve, become more this, and less of that. It’s all calculated to keep her faults, blemishes, and shortcomings (according to the world) ever before her. In the face of these lies, sometimes the truth of God’s Word seems to fade into the background.
Even though the messaging of the world is relentless, you can respond with relentless messaging of your own. Have you looked into your daughter’s eyes and said, “God made you just right” or “You don’t have to change a thing, because I love you just the way you are”?
You don’t want to give your daughter the idea that there are no areas for growth that God intends for her, but she needs to hear regularly that God is with her and she is approved and loved for who she is—today, tomorrow, and forever!
Encourage your daughter to stay true to whatever God might call her to in the days ahead. Teach her to go to the Word to hear His instruction, His heart, and His encouragement. This will help you both remember that the heavenly Father’s hand of gentle guidance is always on her.
God, you are involved in every aspect of [name’s] life. I confess that sometimes I worry so much that I forget that truth! Help her to look to You for truth, guidance, and acceptance. Amen.
About this Plan

The world might tear your daughter down, but you have the gift to lift her up! Your voice as a parent is incredibly powerful in her life. This week-long devotional will spark your thinking and help you look for those times when you can speak words of encouragement and love to her. You’ll be amazed at what a difference those words make!