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2 Peter: Power Under PressureNäide

2 Peter: Power Under Pressure

DAY 6 OF 6

Heaven, not earth, is really the Christian’s home. Before Jesus went back to Heaven, He said He was going to God the Father’s home and was building a home for us when we die. 

Just like sometimes it is hard to be away from home on the earth, so too, it is sometimes hard to have this world feel like home. What makes a place a home is that our family is there, but until we get to Heaven with God and all his people, we are not yet really at home. Still, since we love our family and enjoy our friends and church, we have a taste of our heavenly home here on earth. For the believer, this world is as close to Hell as it will ever get. For the unbeliever, it is as close to Heaven as they will ever get.  

Peter’s closing word of his two letters is “glory.” The final thought Peter leaves with Christians is we should do everything in this life and the life to come to God’s glory. Because we were made for God’s glory, when we live for God’s glory we are happy. When the Bible says God is glorious, it means he is amazing, wonderful, perfect, beautiful, majestic, holy, powerful, and overwhelming. 

To live for God’s glory is to make every decision in our life based upon what God wants for us, what honors God, what is obedient to God, and what Jesus would do because God alone is worthy of glory. So, the one short way of remembering to do everything Peter teaches in both his letters is to simply remember to do one thing: live for the glory of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.  


List out the specific things Peter teaches us about the end of this world and the coming Kingdom of God. How does this frame your view of this world and your life in it?  

What are you most surprised about in Peter’s prophecy about the end of this world and the nature of God’s eternal Kingdom? 

What very practical things would most help you to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”?  

If you have enjoyed this plan, head to for more resources on 2 Peter such as sermons, daily devotionals, and a study guide.  

Day 5

About this Plan

2 Peter: Power Under Pressure

God’s people who are living under incredible pressure need “His divine power” because in it we find the source for “life and godliness”. This 6-day study in the letter called 2 Peter to a church experiencing persecution is for any Christian who needs to experience God’s power under the pressure of life.
