Reality CheckNäide
In March of 2018, NBC News ran an article titled “Fake News: Lies spread faster on social media than truth.” The article was focusing on how people are much quicker to spread something that is wrong rather than something that is true. A research team from MIT conducted a study of falsehoods on Twitter and how quickly the information went viral. The study found that falsehoods traveled significantly farther, faster and deeper than truth in all categories of information. The study also proved that the more “reliable” the sources and the more often the same lies appeared, the harder it was to dispel the falsehood for the sake of the truth.
In Colossians, Paul is speaking to spirit-filled believers, Christians well established in their faith. Yet, he brings a stern warning in Colossians 2:8, “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit…” Paul cautioned believers against falling prey to deceptive teachings that depend on the philosophies of this world. He warned us of relying too heavily on the words of man and not on the words of Christ. Jesus is “the head of all rule and authority” (vs. 10). He is sovereign and above all things. In Him, we have all that we need. It is His truth that we should hunger for, and against which everything of this world should be measured.
Have there been deceptive philosophies or errant teachings that you have believed? If so, take some time today to seek the Lord and ask Him to show you His truth. Let His voice of authority reign larger in your life than the lies of this world.
About this Plan
The letter to the Church in Colossae was written by Paul as a REALITY CHECK on the things that are considered of greatest value for those following Jesus, the threats against them and how to live amidst the culture surrounding them. He investigates the vast ideas of Christ’s Supremacy, which is ultimate reality, all the way to the personal understanding of our new reality in Christ and fullness in Him.