Love God Greatly: EcclesiastesNäide

SOAP – Ecclesiastes 2:12-13; Solomon compares his pursuit of knowledge with his pursuit of pleasure and surmises that the pursuit of knowledge is better. However, he states that both the wisdom seeker and the pleasure seeker are destined to the same earthly fate... death. Solomon had temporarily lost sight of the fact that death on earth is not the end. Everyone who dies will face an eternal fate, either in Heaven or in Hell. What we do and the choices we make on this earth matter greatly. But the most important choice we will ever make is whether we will choose to surrender our lives to Jesus Christ as our Savior.
About this Plan

In this eight-week Love God Greatly study on the book of Ecclesiastes, our questions regarding the meaning of life will lead us to Solomon’s wise conclusion: that in order for one to find meaning, purpose, and satisfaction in life, he or she must know God. Please note: The study is designed to break on the weekends. You will have two days each week without content. For further encouragement, join us at