Joy In Focus
“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2
Mary gave birth to Jesus in a barn (which isn’t exactly the most glamorous place in the world). They get turned away at the inn, and there are no other prospects until someone offers up their stable.
Here was Mary, about to deliver the promised King, and they were with the animals. Disappointment must have set in as she looked at her surroundings and questioned their situation. Surely this wasn’t what God had in mind.
Have you ever looked at some things in your life and thought that: “Surely this wasn’t what God had in mind”?
Maybe your path didn’t lead you where you wanted.
Maybe your relationships didn’t work out quite like you hoped.
Maybe your dream didn’t play out the way you always envisioned.
It didn’t look like Mary thought, but that didn’t mean God wasn’t going to fulfill His promise. In fact, this was all part of His plan.
So Mary was faced with a choice: she could focus on what she didn’t understand, or she could find joy in what she did understand.
She understood that God’s plans never failed, that she could trust Him, and that –– even if she couldn’t see it now –– this would work together for good.
Whatever barn you're in right now, whatever broken season you just walked through, remember this: where you fix your eyes may be the very thing that alters your future.
Jesus, thank You for already working out what I’m walking through. Help me to have real joy as I focus on You. I can endure when I know that You have good plans for my life and that Your presence is constant. Amen.
About this Plan

Joy is here –– in the middle of the struggle, in our everyday lives, and in the places we least expected. Start finding joy in the big and small this Christmas season.