Sharing Your FaithNäide

Why should I share my faith?
When we accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord, it means that we’re saying yes to His ways and His plans for our lives. Part of that is sharing the life-changing power of Jesus with those around us. This is called evangelism.
Evangelism is defined as a zealous advocacy for a cause. In Christianity, this “zealous advocacy” is spread when we share the good news of Jesus Christ—how He came to earth to save us by dying for our sins and then being raised back to life so that we could spend eternity with Him. This is the good news of Jesus.
So, why is this important for us as followers of Jesus? For one, Jesus said to do it in the last words He spoke to His disciples at the end of Matthew 28. He told them to “go and make disciples of all nations…” And they did, and so should we! Secondly, anytime we have good news to share that could benefit someone’s life, we share it, don’t we? Knowing Jesus is not only good news, it’s the best news! We have the cure for the human condition, so let’s be a sharer of God’s love to the people in our lives.
Before we share the good news, or gospel, of Jesus, it’s important that we know it. Here’s the truth about what God has done for us:
God created us for a relationship with Him. (Genesis 1:26) But, we sinned and because of that, we deserve punishment. (Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23) Thankfully, God made a way for us to know Him by sending His only Son, Jesus, to save the world by dying on a cross and rising from the grave. (John 3:16; Romans 5:8-9) And once we believe in Jesus and accept Him as our Savior, we receive eternal life. (Romans 10:9-10)
Sounds almost too good to be true, doesn’t it? We messed up, but then a loving, perfect Heavenly Father sent His only Son to save us from ourselves. It’s profound, but very simple. And it’s extremely good news!
Over the next four days of this Bible Plan, we’ll look into some different ways that we can share our faith about Jesus with others. One of the simplest ways to share your faith is through conversations with others. Maybe you mention something about church, inquire about what someone believes about God, or suggest reading and discussing a book with someone.
Before you head into the following days, spend some time praying and asking God to put three to five people on your heart who need Him. Then, begin praying for God to soften their hearts so that you can influence their lives.
About this Plan

When we become followers of Jesus, we begin a lifelong journey of growth. A part of growing in our faith is learning how to share the good news about Jesus with other people. In this 5-day Plan, we’ll learn how to share the hope and peace we have in Christ—and how that could change someone's life!