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Something to Really Look Forward ToNäide

Something to Really Look Forward To

DAY 3 OF 3

A Chance to Repent 

Without hope for the future, our lives cease to have value and meaning and purpose. That’s why the point of this series is to look at the hope you and I have in Jesus Christ. So, if you don’t have that hope inside you yet, and you want to step into it, then pray this prayer in your heart to God:

Lord God, as You’ve shared this amazing picture of what is to come through Your Word, I just know that I can’t put this off any longer. Today is the day I want to say sorry for all the things I’ve done wrong and turn my life over into Your hands. Please forgive me through the price that Jesus paid for me on the cross and give me a new life. Put Your Holy Spirit in me to give me the power to live my life for You. 

Lead me wherever You will. Call me to whatever You would call me to. And give me the courage to follow You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

As you pray that prayer, know that you are forgiven, you have a new life in Christ, all the old things have passed away, the slate is wiped clean, and all things are new. And you have just stepped into the certain hope of resurrection after death and a life eternal in the very presence of God. Welcome to the rest of eternity with Jesus!

Giving your life to Jesus is about living the rest of your life for Him. Jesus promised that it wouldn’t be an easy thing to do. He promised us that the path would be narrow and hard. He promised us that we would be persecuted. And that makes it so important to get together with some fellow believers and let them help you on the journey. Establish a prayer life, get into God’s Word, read the Bible every day and become part of a vibrant Bible-believing church. 

Because, I want to see you in eternity. I want to hear you say to me, “Hey Berni, remember that YouVersion plan you wrote? I’m here now because God used that message to change my life.”

I want those promises of eternity to be for you!

Life application questions:

· What is your level of hope when you think about the future? Are you overflowing, drained completely, or somewhere in between? 

· When trials come your way—because they surely will—how will you respond? Spend some time in prayer, asking God to strengthen and prepare you for whatever tomorrow may hold.

· Think of a specific person you know who can help you on the journey. Reach out to them today and ask them to walk with you; get in touch regularly to encourage one another.

· Did you pray that prayer? Remind yourself that you are forgiven. You have a new life in Christ. Your slate is wiped clean. You are loved with an eternal love. 

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Day 2

About this Plan

Something to Really Look Forward To

We can get so caught up in our day-to-day routine that we struggle to see the truth: this life is not forever. But there is something—or someone—coming that will turn life completely upside down. Christ really is coming back. No ifs. No buts. No maybes. So, join Bible teacher Berni Dymet to discover why that fact is something we can really look forward to.
