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When People Pray: Ears to Hear and a Heart to RespondNäide

When People Pray: Ears to Hear and a Heart to Respond

DAY 4 OF 5

Listen to God’s Voice and be Ready to be Taught

You have heard the saying, ‘you are what you eat’. When you expect God to speak to you, then the natural progression is that you would become what He talks about.

The way we accomplish this is not by religious duty, but in our love relationship with Him. 

We listen and we are always ready to be taught.

Isaiah said, “He wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.”

Have you ever gotten the fortune cookie, ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear’?

Understand that Hearing and Listening are not the same. 

Isaiah 55:3 says, “Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you will find life..." 

Submit yourself to be a student. 

Be ready to learn and willing to apply all that your Father desires to teach and show you.

The noise from work, the media, and our own negative self-talk can make the airwaves between you and God static.

It’s time to silence the noise.  Then, choose to listen and learn from the God who so desperately desires to lead you in all of His ways.

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

When People Pray: Ears to Hear and a Heart to Respond

God speaks in a way that you can hear Him. Be encouraged, there is no ‘right way or wrong way’ to hear His voice. Our job as children of God and followers of Jesus, filled by the Holy Spirit, is not to explain God into a box. Ours is to know Him, to talk with Him, to listen to Him, and to obey Him.
