Jesus Only: Part OneNäide

Week 5, Day 5 - Thursday
Who’s Judging Me?
Who “pushes your buttons”? We all have people in our lives that unsettle us. Family members. Work colleagues. Neighbors. Celebrities. Pundits. Church folks. They influence the way we act, think, and feel (often about ourselves).
I am a chronic people-pleaser. The combination of family nurture and a conflict-averse personality are powerful co-conspirators that incline me to seek approval from others. After decades of living this way, I grew emotionally and spiritually exhausted.
One resource that helped me get healthier is a spiritual formation group called Theodyssey. (Grammar experts, please don’t judge me, that’s how the founder spells it.) A significant insight from the curriculum is something called “my panel of judges.” These are persons we allow to be “the sayers of who I am.” Those we look to for our sense of identity—their silent “shoulds and oughts” influence our perceptions on how we measure up.
In today's passage, Paul reveals a “panel of judges” for the Colossians. They are religious leaders who use rules and activities as a barometer of devotion to God. They emphasize behavior over heart. And they are dead wrong.
Note Paul’s remedy. He exclaims, “Therefore, do not let anyone judge you…” Re-read that. Underline it. Notice that you have a choice.
Jesus, himself, described his mission this way: “I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10). Paul reminds the Colossians their “reality is found in Christ," not in what they do or how they perform for others (Col. 2:17).
Too often, we look to others for how we measure up. We mimic someone else’s faith practice trying to make it our own. Our preoccupation with what others think diverts us from Jesus’s fulfilling love and grace. We give power to whomever we choose to fixate upon.
Get started by kicking off some members on your panel of judges.
Reflection Questions
Who are the primary members of my panel? What role have they played in shaping my understanding of God, myself, and others?
Whose approval do I currently desire most? Why?
Who do I allow to make me feel insignificant? Why?
Oh, God, thank You for creating me as the unique person You designed me to be. I am amazed that you call me your beloved son/daughter and an heir to your glory. Thank you for sending Jesus to remind me of your love and offering a pathway to abundant life. Help me identify those I allow to divert me from the path to your free grace and overflowing love. Help me understand that it’s not what I do or who I please that will draw me closer to you. Bring others into my life who love and seek you and accept me as I am. Amen.
About this Plan

With many options to turn to for peace, security, and fulfillment, is Jesus enough? Many have developed a "Jesus And" approach to life based on comfort, success, income, or image. If we're honest, is "Jesus Only" our source for a fulfilling and purposeful life? Journey through the book of Colossians to help you answer these questions. This plan runs Sunday through Saturday for five weeks.
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