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Daily Effective Prayer: 7 Prayers That Really WorkNäide

Daily Effective Prayer: 7 Prayers That Really Work

DAY 1 OF 7

Prayer to Shake It Off, Stand Back Up, and Keep Going

Every day we run into obstacles that sometimes get the best of us. Only Jesus was perfect and that means mistakes are going to happen to us. We'll always do our best to avoid them of course but, every so often, life just plain knocks us off our feet.

In Proverbs 24:16, God tells us that if we'll get up more times than we're knocked down, we can overcome anything. In this world we will have trouble but we are to be of good cheer, for Jesus has overcome the world. In the midst of the storm it's tough to see our way out, but with the Lord's help, He can guide us and help us get back up.

The aforementioned verse specifically outlines what we are to do if difficult situations get the best of us. And since life and the enemy will not stop throwing us curve balls, it’s important for us to understand exactly what our Father meant when He spoke those words instructing us to rise again.

If life knocks you down, use the prayer and scriptures below. When you remember that the greater One is always with you, you’ll realize that no matter what comes your way, by His grace and strength, you really can shake it off, stand back up, and keep going.


Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for loving me.

I praise You that You are full of compassion and mercy towards me.

I recognize there were times that I didn’t get back up after getting knocked down. 

I ask for forgiveness for any time I may have allowed that to happen.

I ask that You would please help me keep my eyes on Jesus. 

Please help me see the bigger picture.

Lord, I am not willing to be knocked off course by the enemy and negative circumstances. 

I ask for Your grace to help me not be distracted by the roller coaster ride of life, in Jesus' Name.

I know the enemy is at work.

I know he has a strategy against me.

But greater is He that is in me than he who is in the world!

I ask that You would please open my eyes to recognize the ploys of the enemy designed to set my emotions on fire.

I will not be taken by the snare of the devil.

I will not get trapped by a spirit of fear.

I will not get trapped by bitterness.

I will not get trapped by unforgiveness and anything else that comes my way, in Jesus Name!

Yes Father, I receive help from the mighty Holy Spirit to follow Your command to forgive and let things go.

By Your power, when given the temptation to quit and throw in the towel, I will do more than tolerate it. 

Lord, I will do more than just grin and bear it.  

Please strengthen me one step at a time and help me to focus on the victory I have in Christ!

I decree and declare that I guard my heart and that I do not allow it to become hardened and prone to give up.

I decree and declare that I keep myself in the love of God so that my faith will not fail. 

I praise You that when I walk in Your love I am in a spiritually powerful position and the enemy cannot trip me up.

He cannot provoke me and cause me to stumble, fall down, or remove myself from my race in this life.


By Your grace, I choose to walk in the spirit.

Yes, I thank You that I follow the example of Jesus who, when He was mocked, showed mercy and forgiveness. 

He chose to walk in the power that comes from Your supernatural love! 

I am following Jesus’ example!

As a result, regardless of what comes my way, I will shake all things off by Your strength, always stand back up by grace, and always keep going for Your glory!

I believe and receive everything I’ve prayed and give You glory in advance, for this prayer is answered!

In the wonderful and precious Name of Jesus I pray, amen.


Bible Verses to Use When Praying for Perseverance

Romans 12:12, Exodus 18:23, Galatians 6:9, Romans 12:21, John 14:15, James 1:12, 2 Thessalonians 3:13, 2 Corinthians 4:8, Philippians 4:13, 1 Corinthians 13:7, Isaiah 40:29


Day 2

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Daily Effective Prayer: 7 Prayers That Really Work

Do you want to learn how to pray more effectively and receive God's answers more quickly? Daily Effective Prayer shares seven powerful prayers to help you draw closer to God and experience breakthrough. These daily prayers help you overcome whatever may be holding you back by applying the power of prayer and God's Word to your life. Start reading today and your prayer life will bear fruit like never before.
