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Broken To BlessedSample

Broken To Blessed

DAY 1 OF 5


Trust the Author

I dropped a glass the other day. It slipped right out of my hand, hit the wood floor, and shattered. As I bent down to pick up the broken pieces, I knelt amongst the fractured remains of the glass and I became overwhelmed. I leaned against a nearby cabinet and many suppressed emotions found their escape through my tears.

I have been living through a season of shattering. My life, once so reliable, secure, and predictable, was broken into pieces. All that I once knew so well, I no longer recognized. Like a gardener in autumn, God has cut back things in my life that overgrew their space, became dormant, or no longer produced healthy growth.

He was breaking me down, and it was painful.

Unlike the glass, however, God did not scoop up the pieces and throw me away. No! He took the pieces and he lovingly began to fasten them back together again. I am not who I was before and I am not yet fully mended, but I know he is working and rebuilding me. Piece-by-piece he is collecting me and not abandoning me.

My life may not look like I thought it would, but that doesn’t mean God isn’t working. It doesn’t mean God isn’t good.

If you are living in a “shattering” season, just know your story isn’t over. I know you see the scattered remains on the floor and wonder how you will ever be made whole again—this is where we must trust God’s timing and God’s way.

It is tempting to want to fix everything yourself, but I beg you to resist. His plan is ALWAYS better than ours. A book is never written in one version. It must be edited, re-edited, and edited again.; rewrite after rewrite until it is finished, until it is as good as it can be.

Let the Author and the Finisher of our faith continue to write your story. Let the Creator keep creating. Let the Potter keep molding. Let the Artist keep drawing. It may look broken to you, but God sees endless possibilities; clay ready to be shaped and molded, a blank canvas for his masterpiece, and an empty page for him to compose your story.

You will be whole again.

Day 2

About this Plan

Broken To Blessed

No one enjoys the pain of brokenness. But God doesn't break us to cause undue pain. He breaks us because he loves us. He breaks us to bless us. God chips away at anything in our lives that prevents us from finding our true purpose and love for him. If you are going through a season of brokenness, know that God is working things together for your good.
