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Prayer Revolution: A 14-Day DevotionalNäide

Prayer Revolution: A 14-Day Devotional

DAY 11 OF 14

Seven Priorities of the Lord's Prayer and How God Answers (Part 1: The First Three)

It is common for people to complain that their prayers are not being answered. 

“I prayed and nothing happened,” they say. My reply is, “God’s answer depends on what you ask for.” One encouraging way to look at the Lord’s Prayer is to break it down one petition—one priority—at a time, and ask what it looks like when God grants our requests.

“Our Father in Heaven”

As we pray “Our Father in heaven,” God answers by imparting a childlike love and trust to our souls. When we address God as Father, every prayer transforms from ritual to relationship.

As we pray “Our Father in heaven,” we acknowledge a common humanity, made in God’s image, with one God as everyone’s Creator. God’s answer is to break down the prejudices (tribalism, nationalism, racism, etc.) hidden away in our souls.

God is the Redeemer-Father of all believers. As we pray “Our Father in heaven,” by His Spirit we grow in love for other believers and become passionate for the unity of the church. We call every believer in Christ brother or sister, and we gladly pray for them.

“Hallowed be Your Name”

When we pray “Hallowed be Your name,” we attain a humble sense of awe at God’s holiness. We are renewed in reverence and become jealous for His name to be honored and His fame to spread throughout the world. We pray for the pure worship of God in His church. With this fuller vision of God, we experience new depths of repentance and new fillings of joy.

When we pray “Hallowed be Your name,” we grieve when people misuse or dishonor His name or fail to give Him thanks. We focus our resolve on proclaiming the fame and glory of God to those who do not know Him (see Psalms 96). We anticipate a day when all humankind will be a multi-national, multi-billion voice choir!

“Your Kingdom Come”

As we call out from the heart “Your kingdom come,” we rejoice in Christ’s rule and reign over all things, especially His church, and we are captured by the majesty of His mission. As we go deep in prayer, Jesus gives us His heart for those who do not know Him, so that we understand His concern: “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matt. 9:36). Our prayers are filled with zeal for His mission: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest” (Matt. 9:37–38).

As we pray, we move from being spectators to becoming participants in His mission: “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). As Jesus prayed, “As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world” (John 17:18). As we pray, His purpose becomes ours: that many people will come to Christ and that revival in the church and renewal for the city will follow (see Zechariah 13:1–2).

Day 10Day 12

About this Plan

Prayer Revolution: A 14-Day Devotional

Prayer is the instrument by which believers are sustained until Jesus returns. It provides Christians with a source of strength, peace, and resolve. In this 14-Day devotional plan, you'll discover how to transform the world for the Kingdom of God through the power of prayer.
