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Daniel: Revealer of MysteriesSample

Daniel: Revealer of Mysteries

DAY 62 OF 62

Ordeal and Outcome 

By Pastor Dan Hickling

“Then King Darius wrote to all the peoples, nations, and languages that dwell in all the earth . . .”—Daniel 6:25a (ESV)

As one of the most remarkable accounts in one of the most remarkable books in all the Bible comes to a close, we’re given one last lesson. It begins as we see King Darius issuing a proclamation to everyone under his control. Keep in mind, at this point in time, this included most of the known world! Here’s what Darius had to say: “Peace be multiplied to you. I make a decree, that in all my royal dominion people are to tremble and fear before the God of Daniel, for He is the living God, enduring forever; His kingdom shall never be destroyed, and His dominion shall be to the end. He delivers and rescues; He works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, He who has saved Daniel from the power of the lions” (Daniel 6:25b-27 ESV).

Daniel had just been through a life or death ordeal. His faith and obedience was put to the ultimate test as he faced what seemed to be certain death by not compromising his devotion to God. Unless the Lord miraculously intervened, Daniel would have died a martyr’s death. But God did step in and miraculously saved Daniel’s life. 

Now, God doesn’t always intervene in life or death situations like this. Sometimes He allows His people to make the ultimate sacrifice. So why did He decide to do that in Daniel’s case? A big part of the reason is seen in Darius’ proclamation, because what God did for Daniel moved him to share it with absolutely everyone he could! 

Daniel’s trial wasn’t something that just affected him. It undoubtedly seemed that way when he felt himself being thrown into the lion’s den. Nobody else shared that ordeal with him, but the known world did share in its outcome as miraculous news about “the living God” fell on ears for the first time in places near and far!

We all go through our various ordeals in life, and we often look upwards and ask, “Why, God?” If we were in Daniel’s place, how many of us would have been tempted to do so? But as we see, the ordeal is connected to an outcome, an outcome that God wants for His glory so people can know He is living and real. What we go through is how He often reveals that!

In your ordeals, trust the Lord as Daniel did, and know that He will use the outcome to reveal Himself to those who need to know Him.

DIG: What was the outcome of Daniel’s ordeal?

DISCOVER: When has the Lord used your trials to reveal Himself to someone else?

DO: How will the Book of Daniel live on through your life? 

Day 61

About this Plan

Daniel: Revealer of Mysteries

How can we be faithful to God in a world that increasingly rejects Him? How can we live above the fray in turbulent times? These questions, at the forefront of the Church today, aren’t new. It’s the same struggle God’s people were facing in Daniel! In this reading plan, we'll explore the first six chapters of Daniel and discover how to survive, thrive, and experience breakthrough in a hostile culture.
