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Thru the Bible -- Gospel of LukeNäide

Thru the Bible -- Gospel of Luke

DAY 8 OF 13

You Are Invited

Before you start todays devotional, ask the Lord to use it to grow you up in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Why do bad things happen? Essentially, that’s what people were asking Jesus. When people are killed, does that mean they are being judged? Jesus used these questions to stress today is the day to turn to God.

As Jesus made His way to Jerusalem, He continued to teach and heal people. To illustrate godly principles, He used object lessons from the landscape around them: fig trees, mustard seeds, and leaven. He also was on the alert for those needing His touch—like a woman handicapped for 18 years. When He healed her with a touch, she immediately stood up straight. She glorified God, but the religious rulers were outraged because they were more interested in keeping the Sabbath rules than freeing the poor woman. But Jesus saw the woman behind the argument. He sees you, too. Are you filled with doubts and fears? Are you confused or anxious? Come to Him anytime—He is ready to meet your need.

On another Sabbath we go with Jesus to dinner at the chief Pharisee’s home. But there’s a story to tell as Jesus schools His host and guests in etiquette. They were hoping to trap and discredit Jesus, but He didn’t miss an opportunity to address their self-righteousness. He tells a story about a host who invites people over for dinner but no one wants to come. The host then welcomes everyone from the street who needs a good meal.

Of course, this is like God’s invitation to us to come to Him for eternal life. You come to this dinner by the grace of God (See Ephesians 2:8-9.) The only thing that will exclude anyone from heaven is a refusal to accept the invitation. Jesus Christ wrote this engraved invitation with your name on it with His blood and invites you to the great table of salvation.

If you reject God’s invitation, He will honor your choice and exclude you. Hear this: Your relationship with God is the most important thing in your life.

Jesus captures people’s attention and curiosity with other parables. One about calculating the cost of building a tower—comparing it to counting the cost of being His disciple.

Or, Jesus challenges, “If you’re not willing to sacrifice what is dearest to you, you can’t be my disciple.” And—“If you have ears, listen to God’s Word!” Nothing is more worthless than salt that has lost its saltiness.

Then Jesus told one of His most loved parables—the Prodigal Son—in context with three people who have lost something: A shepherd looking for one lost sheep—a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ out searching for those who are His own; a woman who lost a coin from her marriage headpiece—a picture of the Holy Spirit who makes sure everyone who belongs to the Bridegroom will be at the wedding; and a father whose two sons are out of fellowship—a picture of God’s heart who will not only save a sinner but will also take back a son that sins.

Sinner friend, if you have never trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you are not the Father’s son. You become His child only by trusting in Jesus who died for you. If you receive God’s gift of salvation, God becomes your Father and He will never shut the door on you. If you leave Him and one day return, He will be waiting to wrap His arms around you. That’s how wonderful He is!

1. If you had been at the supper Jesus attended that was hosted by the Pharisees, would Jesus’ words and actions that night change your mind about Him? Why or why not?

2. Jesus urged people who were considering following Him to count the cost of that decision. Why would He do that? Wouldn’t that discourage people from following Him?

3. Sometimes we act like the prodigal son, and sometimes we act like his older brother. How can both of these brothers teach us to love God and love people better?

Additional Resources

Listen to Dr. J. Vernon McGee’s complete teachings on Luke 13:1—14:7, Luke 14:7—15:3 and Luke 15:3-32.

Day 7Day 9

About this Plan

Thru the Bible -- Gospel of Luke

If ever you wondered if Jesus is really human, study Luke’s Gospel. As a doctor, Luke revealed the down-to-earth compassion that pervaded Jesus’ life, revealing Him as God in the flesh. Our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, leads us in seeing how Jesus is the Son of God, our great High Priest, touched with the feelings of our weaknesses, able to extend help, mercy, and love to us.


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