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What Love Looks Like From Elle LimebearNäide

What Love Looks Like From Elle Limebear

DAY 2 OF 3

DAY 2: The Promise In The Midst of Uncertainty

A certainty in life is that there will be seasons and times of uncertainty. But living as followers of Jesus we have a promise in the midst of uncertainty. A promise that God is with us. 

Hallelujah!!! I hate being alone.

We only have to take one look at the news to realise that the world can be a scary place, full of unknowns and uncertainties that are out of our control. (Amiriiight?)

The truth is we cannot control what happens to us but we can control how we posture ourselves in the midst of uncertainty. Jesus told us that in this life we will have troubles but to take heart because He has overcome the world. This is the truth:  Jesus has overcome the world. Even though it may seem sometimes that things are spiralling our of control - take heart, Jesus is in control. 

Hope is the greatest weapon against uncertainty because hope drives us forward into a future that is equally unknown but full of the promises of God. He knows what He is doing. He has your whole life planned out and He will take care of you. He won’t abandon you - your future is secure in Him. As the song we used to sing in primary school (very loud and out of time) says, ‘He’s got the whole world in His hands.’ 

In the Old Testament book of Habakkuk 1:5, God tells us, ‘Look at the nations and watch - and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not even believe, even if I told you.’ How exciting!! What is ahead of us is always greater than what is behind us. Your best days are ahead of you - take heart. 

Cling on to the promises of God today. God is always with you. He has promised you a multitude of things. Hold on to these promises and declare them over yourself today. Remember that the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. I challenge you today to stay hopeful, keep your eyes off fear and towards all the good he is doing.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

What Love Looks Like From Elle Limebear

This devotion takes inspiration from my latest single ‘What Love Looks Like’. Come on a 3 day journey with me as we look closer at what the truest act of love was - Jesus giving His life on the cross for us. -Elle Limebear
