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Let's GoSample

Let's Go

DAY 13 OF 21

Loving Our Enemy

By S. George Thomas

Kidnapped by raiding pirates at the age of 16 and carried away from his family in Britain, Patrick was taken to Ireland and sold as a slave to an uncivilized, barbaric Irish chieftain. Assigned the menial and mundane task of caring for his master’s sheep, Patrick was forced to endure months of solitude out in the wild hills of Ireland with nothing but sheep to keep him company. Struggling to survive the bone-chilling weather and desperately fighting off his ever-present gnawing hunger pains, Patrick turned to the only place he could for help… God.

Having been raised in the lap of luxury as the son of a nobleman, Patrick had never spent much time thinking about God. Although he had grown up in a Christian home—his father was a deacon in the church and his grandfather had been an elder—his faith had not been real to him. But now, his bleak conditions and overwhelming loneliness led him to look to the only Source who could give him strength and comfort. Much like David, the shepherd boy had done so many years before, Patrick spent his days and weeks of isolation pouring out his heart to God. He writes: “Tending flocks was my daily work, and I would pray constantly during the daylight hours. The love of God and the fear of Him surrounded me more and more—and faith grew and the Spirit was roused, so that in one day I would say as many as a hundred prayers and after dark nearly as many again, even while I remained in the woods or on the mountain. I would wake and pray before daybreak—through snow, frost, rain—because the Spirit within me was ardent.”

This continued for seven long years until one night God spoke to Patrick in a dream telling him his prayers had been heard and he should arise and go, for a boat was waiting to take him home. Although he was nowhere near the sea and had no idea as to which direction he should go, Patrick set out in faith following God’s direction. He walked for more than 200 miles, never once getting stopped or questioned until he came to the sea where a boat was anchored in the bay.

The captain of the boat viewed Patrick with suspicion when he came asking for passage to England and refused to allow him on board. So Patrick walked away and began to pray. Before he could even finish his prayer, one of the ship’s crew members came running after him asking him to come back to the boat. The captain had undergone a sudden change of heart and was now bending over backward to accommodate any and all of Patrick’s needs.

Patrick’s journey home was long and arduous, but a few years later, he returned home to his mother and father’s welcoming arms. He tried to settle back into his old life, but try as he might, Patrick couldn’t forget the people who had held him captive for seven years.

One night as Patrick was sleeping, he had a vision of an Irish man beckoning him to return to Ireland because they were hopelessly lost in darkness and desperately needed the light of God’s truth. Though his parents begged him to stay in Britain, Patrick chose to obey and follow God’s call to go back to the land of his captivity so that he could bring the light of the gospel to a people lost in darkness. Because Christ had given His life for him, Patrick believed he could do no less.

Patrick had every reasonable right to stay in the comfort of his home, surrounded by his family. But placing his life and freedom in God’s hands, he went back to Ireland to proclaim the message of God’s love and forgiveness to those who had never heard it … to the people who were his enemies. Traveling throughout the land, he baptized thousands of converts, discipled new believers, started scores of churches, trained church leaders, ordained pastors, fought against injustice and sent out missionaries and evangelists. And because of Patrick’s obedience to the Lord, an entire nation was evangelized and the course of history was changed. Eventually, a flood of missionaries emerged out of Ireland and spread throughout Scotland, England and the rest of Europe, sparking a great revival. In fact, between AD 650 and AD 850, more than half of all-known biblical commentaries were written by the Irish.

The Bible tells the stories of two men who found themselves in similar situations as Patrick. God called them to go take His message to their enemies. But each responded in completely different ways. Jonah chose to ignore God’s command to go to Nineveh and ran in the opposite direction. His disobedience led to him being swallowed by a huge fish. On the other hand, when the Lord came to Ananias in a vision and called him to go find his enemy Saul—a man well-known for hunting down and killing anyone who followed Jesus—and pray for his healing, Ananias chose to obey, trust God and go. Through Ananias’ obedience, God moved in the life of Saul, who later became Paul, the man responsible for writing over half of the New Testament.

Although it’s never easy, Jesus’ instructions to “love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you” aren’t a polite suggestion or request. They’re a command.

Your “enemy” may be your neighbor, a difficult co-worker, or even a once-close friend who betrayed you. Regardless of who it is, ask the Lord to show you how you can actively demonstrate His love to them today. Then go out and follow His leading.

Memory Verse

"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:13–14

Day 12Day 14

About this Plan

Let's Go

This 21-day devotional from Gateway Church is intended to encourage and inspire you to follow Jesus' Great Commission to, "go everywhere in the world, and tell the Good News to everyone" (Mark 16:15).
