The Fruit Of The Spirit Näide

Love, Joy, and Peace
Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace in difficulties. — C.S. Lewis
We’ll be diving into the nine aspects of the Fruit of the Spirit over the next three days of this Plan. Today, let’s focus on love, joy, and peace.
Love is the selfless, giving, devoted love of God and others. It’s an active display and compels us to put others' needs above our own. Love honors others and celebrates truth no matter how difficult it is to hear it. It gives of self even when it doesn’t feel like it. Love doesn’t allow feelings to dictate its choices. Love is hopeful, persevering, and trusting. Loving people keep hatred, apathy, and self-preservation far from them.
Joy is a deep and enduring state of our soul that no circumstance, event, or human can steal away from us. It’s delighting in God and choosing to rejoice in all things. Because our circumstances don’t rule us, our mood swings are nonexistent. This doesn’t mean we are always in a “good mood” but we can remain in an unexplainable place of contentment. Joyful people don’t allow misery, sorrow, sadness, or despair to rule their thoughts or guide their actions.
Peace is a deep well of confidence that God is who He is and that He will do what He says He will do. Peace comes from resting in the promises of God. It’s choosing to work with others for a common goal instead of insisting on our own way. Peace is often unexplainable and incomprehensible, but we know when we have it and know when we don’t. Peaceful people don’t go to war with their actions or words for they know that brings no relief to any situation.
- Does anything about the descriptions of love, joy, or peace encourage or challenge you?
About this Plan

God’s Holy Spirit develops and displays His Fruit in us when we give our lives to God. When we follow Him, He begins to do in and through us what only He can do: make us like Jesus. In this Plan, we’ll dive into each aspect of the Fruit of the Spirit as well as learn how to live our lives led by Him.