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Hollywood Prayer Network On WisdomNäide

Hollywood Prayer Network On Wisdom

DAY 2 OF 7


“Life is wasted if we do not grasp the glory of the cross, cherish it for the treasure that it is, and cleave to it as the highest price of every pleasure and the deepest comfort in every pain. What was once foolishness to us—a crucified God—must become our wisdom and our power and our only boast in this world.” John Piper

PRAY:  Dear Father, help me to remember that Your wisdom is much better than me acquiring gold, and Your insight is better than me getting lots of silver. Your wisdom is more precious than rubies and nothing that I desire on this earth is better than wisdom. Oh Lord, bless me with wisdom and fill me with understanding so that I will seek You and the things that You offer, and not strive for things that the world says are important or valuable. And please help me to not only say the words but truly believe their truth in my heart, so that I will never look back. Thank You, in Jesus' name!
REFLECT:  These verses are a great reminder of another of God's truths: man's ways are opposite of God's ways. We are taught in our culture, even sometimes our church culture, that we need to make more money, build up a savings plan, set up a pension or 401K, invest in fine jewelry and acquire real estate in order to gain riches. We need to save enough so that we can retire and live well. And if we don't have these things we are failures, and we should be scared for our future. That is the opposite of what God tells us. He says that His wisdom is better than gold or precious rubies, that to get His insight is more important than having silver, and that NOTHING we desire can compare with being wise. People who seek God's wisdom are blessed and gain understanding. That makes it so exciting to be a Christian
ACT:  Ask yourself if you have been caught up in the ways of the world or are you seeking wisdom over riches and understanding over success? Where is your heart? Do you need to shift your priorities and commit to letting go of the world's goals and instead embrace God's? What would it take to let go of building up the biggest savings account you can acquire and instead ask God for His wisdom and understanding? You will be truly blessed! 

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose."  Jim Elliot

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Hollywood Prayer Network On Wisdom

One of the very specific commands God gives us is to ask Him for wisdom. This week we’re going to focus on gaining God’s wisdom versus worldly wisdom. And along with gaining wisdom, we will discover a list of other benefits that we receive. God says it’s a hidden mystery until we ask for it and then it becomes life-changing.
