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[Real Life] Abide To AchieveNäide

[Real Life] Abide To Achieve

DAY 1 OF 7

We are Washed Clean

Just like roses are not made to be in the mud, a vine is not supposed to be in the muck. Grapes are not meant to grow in the mud as pumpkins would, they are made to be lifted up on the trellis. Christians are not made to live in the mud either, because Jesus lives inside of them through the Holy Spirit. Their lives are meant to be lifted up from sin; they are meant to walk in the light. 

We have times for pruning. The Gardener takes things away so we can be more fruitful. We learn to love tomorrow’s fruit more than today’s leaves. He prunes us so then we can be on display for His glory. 

In John chapter 15, Jesus gives us a vineyard illustration with vines growing along, and He presents us with the choice of abiding, or not abiding, in Him. If we do abide in Him, our lives will bear fruit; if we don’t, our lives are going to be worthless—we will accomplish nothing.

Jesus begins by saying that we are already clean by the word He has spoken to us. We are forgiven in Jesus Christ. Our identity in Jesus is key to understanding the part about abiding in Him. If we just jump to abiding without realizing we are clean, we are going to work to try to earn our salvation and His blessing. 

Many people think incorrectly about what it is to become a Christian. They think that our relationship with Jesus is on an installment plan. We hear someone talk about receiving Jesus as our Savior who forgives our sins; we pray the prayer of forgiveness and ask Him into our hearts. We need to understand the truth that at that moment we are washed clean—completely forgiven. 

We begin our walk as Christians and yes, we make mistakes, but all we do then is ask for the cleansing of our feet. When we receive forgiveness, it is not, “Now that I have a little bit more forgiveness, I am cleaner.” This thinking is incorrect. Cleanliness does not come in installments. Forgiveness and cleanliness is a one-time deal. When we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior, we are made clean—righteous. We traded our life for Jesus’ life. Our sin is given to Him and His righteousness comes to us. We are not earning cleanliness by abiding in Him. We are responding to who we are and that changes what we do. We are clean in Christ.

Day 2

About this Plan

[Real Life] Abide To Achieve

Where is real life found? The Bible tells us that we find it abiding in Christ. In this second devotional plan from the Real Life series, we learn that to abide is to experience a restful residence and a desperate dependence on Christ. We are not earning our salvation by abiding in Him. We are responding to who we are in Him and that changes how we walk.
