Body ImageNäide

It’s Possible to Take Care of You Without Being Selfish
Is it possible to take care of ourselves without being selfish? I’d say it’s not only possible—it’s a commandment from God Himself! In fact, if you want to serve others selflessly, you’d better take care of you! Here’s why.
Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, given to you by God. You are not your own. You were bought with a price (the death and resurrection of Jesus). We’re supposed to glorify God with our bodies. They’re on loan so that we have what we need to learn, grow, and develop the soul each of us houses within it. God took great care when He knit you together. What you allow into your mind, body, and soul either maintains or destroys the temple He gave you. How’s your temple doing?
Our God wants us to be made holy and whole in every way. Being whole physically is impossible if we are broken spiritually and emotionally. Likewise, being whole spiritually or emotionally doesn’t negate the need to care for our physical bodies. When you’re trying to obediently take care of you—make sure you take care of the whole you! Here are some easy ways to take care of your mind, body, and spirit:
Mind. We should guard our hearts above all else, since they determine the course of our lives. Everything we do flows from the heart, which represents our emotions and thoughts. Focusing on the positives and leaving the negatives to God will bring us peace. With a clear mind and peace in your heart, you have the capacity to do far more than you could have done carrying negativity with you. Guard your heart.
Body. Are you giving your body the good fuel it needs to live the life God’s planned for you? Are you stuck in a rut of nothing but highly processed, minimally nutritious junk? Remember: We cannot serve God well if we’re not taking care of the physical bodies He’s given us. Are you stuck in a pattern of overindulging or under-feeding—searching for something to satisfy a hunger only Jesus can fill? Consider how you’re nourishing the body God gave you.
Spirit. In the fast-paced society we live in, it’s difficult to fit everything into our tight schedules. We must be sure not to abandon Jesus or fellowship with other followers of Christ as we strain to get everything accomplished. Set aside the time each day to spend with Jesus in prayer and reading His Word. Stay grounded in your faith by intentionally connecting with other believers on a weekly basis.
What steps has God given you to restore your temple? He’s challenging you to consider your ways. Do they honor your body as His temple? Where can you go and what can you do to begin the process of rebuilding and restoring the temple He has given you? Imagine how many others you’ll be able to serve and care for selflessly, if you’re faithful to take care of you, too!
About this Plan

It’s difficult not to compare ourselves with others. Add in the pressure to look a certain way, and you’ve got a recipe for negative effects on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. So, what should we do when we find ourselves grappling with these kinds of thoughts? Learn from others’ experiences and how they’ve seen God at work in their lives in this Bible Plan by
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