For Such A Time As ThisNäide

“Now in the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's command and edict were about to be carried out, on the very day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to gain the mastery over them, the reverse occurred: the Jews gained mastery over those who hated them.” -Esther 9:1 (ESV)
By the time the day of annihilation had arrived for the Jews, Haman had been hanged and the king had issued a new decree that granted mastery into the hands of the Jews over those who hated them.
Talk about a turn of events! A day that was once intended to represent the destruction of the entire Jewish population in the Persian empire now represented their authority to take matters in their own hands against their enemies.
And let’s not forget about Mordecai. God used him in such a pivotal way that not only opened Esther’s eyes, but also the king’s eyes. After Haman’s evil plan to destroy all the Jews had been revealed, Mordecai was promoted to Haman’s position—one that we can all agree rightly belonged to Mordecai from the very beginning—the prime minister of Persia. (Esther 8:2)
Can you image how the Jews reacted when they learned of Mordecai’s promotion? Esther 8:15 gives us a glimpse:
“Then Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal robes of blue and white, with a great golden crown and a robe of fine linen and purple, and the city of Susa shouted and rejoiced” (ESV).
The Jews were so overjoyed and grateful for the Father’s divine rescue, that they decided to create a holiday of feasting and gladness to honor His faithfulness. (Esther 9:17-19) He is greatly to be praised!
Esther is not a story of tragedy. It is a story that displays God’s sovereign hand of intervention. In this world, no matter how powerful someone may be, we can take heart in the heart of the Lord, our God. He sees us, He knows us, and He calls us His.
Esther did not know what would happen when she took the leap of faith to break the rules and speak the truth in order to save her people- God’s people. But she was deeply convicted that regardless of the outcome, she needed to plead for their lives. Esther trusted her conviction and God protected her every step of the way.
Just like God protected Esther through her bravery and obedience, we can trust He will do the very same for us.
When we come face to face with the unknown, we can rest and take delight, knowing that God has sovereignly allowed it all for a specific and glorious purpose.
As we do so, let us pray that He would prepare us for such a time as this.
- What verses in Esther 9-10 stood out to you?
- Have you read the book of Esther before? If so, did you learn anything new?
- What changes did you see in Mordecai?
- What changes did you see in Esther?
- What are your top three takeaways, and how can you apply them to your life?
About this Plan

This is a ten-day journey through Esther that will challenge you to open your eyes to the "for such a time as this" moments in your walk with God. It will encourage you to take delight in Him, no matter the season you're in, and remind you of His sovereignty over all of creation. May this study deepen your love for God and grow your desire to build His Kingdom!