Journey Of The Seed - Catch The Bible's Big Picture In 60 DaysNäide

[Scheduled Reading: Genesis 22-28.]
God charts the path of The Seed through Abraham – and keeps it on His chosen course.
Abraham has two sons (Ishmael and Isaac), but God chooses the line of Isaac #21. Isaac has two sons (Esau and Jacob), but God chooses the line of Jacob #22.
Let’s look at the legacy of Isaac.
The parallels between Isaac and Jesus are stunning. Both arrive by divine birth.
Isaac was born to Abraham and Sarah in their very old age. Jesus was born to Mary, an unwed mother impregnated by a seed from heaven (conceived by the Holy Spirit).
Another parallel is a famous self-sacrifice. (Genesis 22) When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, it was an unthinkable request. Would God really require such a thing?
Abraham was committed to obedience. Isaac (somewhere between being an adolescent boy and a young man) was old enough to be a willing participant as he carried the wood on his shoulders to the place of worship.
This story is one we struggle to fully appreciate. It’s far outside the realm of anything that’s ever been requested by God. In fact, it just might be the most ridiculous request ever.
Scriptures are full of seemingly bizarre instructions from God. But nothing fits the category of “sacrifice your only son.”
Especially if the son was a miracle child born to parents of old age – and the son through whom God promised to birth a nation!
But Abraham and Isaac cooperated. God stopped Abraham short of sacrificing Isaac and provided a ram for the blood sacrifice instead.
So what did God have in mind for this sacrifice request?
It was a scene that would unfold 2,000 years later. Jesus would carry his wood (a cross) up a nearby hill for his own sacrifice. Unlike with Abraham and Isaac, God did go through with the crucifixion death of His Son.
The near sacrifice of Isaac was a foreshadowing – a picture - of a future sacrifice (Jesus on the cross).
Isaac demonstrated obedience and submission to the same act that would one day become the most selfless act known to man.
How impressive was Isaac’s almost-sacrifice? You could even say Jesus had an advantage that Isaac did not.
Jesus knew the outcome and purpose of his death on the cross. Isaac was not so sure. He was clueless. He was simply trusting God…with his life.
How fitting that God would route the path of The Seed through a man (Abraham) and his son (Isaac) – two men who would demonstrate unusual faith to carry out a similar sacrifice that God and Jesus would one day perform.
Stunning story. Stunning symbolism. Stunning faith.
About this Plan

Grasp the overall Bible story in 60 days! This reading challenge takes you from Genesis to Revelation with four important features: (1) focus on the Seed - the ancestry from Adam to Jesus, (2) a daily Bible reading plan yielding about 33% of the Bible, (3) daily guidance and insights, (4) discussion points for you and your family. (Approximately 20-25 minutes reading/listening per day.)
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