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21 Days Of Breakthrough PrayerSample

21 Days Of Breakthrough Prayer

DAY 12 OF 21

Day 12: Establish the Work of Our Hands

 The Scripture verse of the day is Psalm 90:13-17, which says:

"Return, O Lord! How long? And have compassion on Your servants. 
Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days! Make us glad according to the days in which You have afflicted us, the years in which we have seen evil.
Let Your work appear to Your servants, and Your glory to their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands" (Psalm 90:13-17).

Pray along these points:

  • Tell Father God that you trust Him, but your circumstances have been out of alignment with His Word long enough.
  • Remind Him of what He promised. Remind Him of the exact Scriptures in which He promised those things, too.
  • Point out to Father God that He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy and lovingkindness.
  • Point out to Him that He is compassionate, and His compassion always MOVES Him to do something.
  • Ask Papa to pour out His compassion and mercy on you.
  • Ask Him to manifest His compassion and mercy in your specific situation. (Don't whine; simply point out that you know who He is and what He is like, so you have every right to ask Him to do and be those things in your life and situation right now.)
  • Ask Him to fill you with peace, JOY, and power.
  • Ask Him to help you be blessable—to be right with Him and obedient to Him in every area.
  • Ask Father God specifically to bring you reward, harvest, good fruit/results, and JOY right now in the same proportion, or greater, as all the hard days He has allowed you to go through.
  • Ask Him to manifest His might and power in your life; that His mighty hand and outstretched arm would work on your behalf, both in ways you expect and in ways you haven't thought to ask.
  • Ask Him to manifest His glory to you and your children.
  • Ask Him to give you and your descendants a magnificent obsession with Jesus, the Son of God.
  • Ask Papa to mark you with His beauty, power, anointing, aroma, and glory. Ask Him to make these things actually visible on your face/on your person and in every part of your life.
  • Ask Him to establish the work of your hands. Ask Him to bless all the good work you have done, and bring you a harvest.
  • Ask Him to cover any bad works you have done with Jesus' blood, forgive you, and spare you from receiving bad fruit from those things.
  • Ask Him for double blessing, double favor, and double results from every good work or labor you have sown, EVER in your whole life.
  • Then thank Him for all these things in Jesus' name!

That's our breakthrough prayer for day 12!

Also, remember to use the verse itself as your vocabulary for prayer. Doing so will not only help you pray the most effective prayers it's possible to pray, but it will also help you hide God's Word in your heart, that you might not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11).

Day 11Day 13

About this Plan

21 Days Of Breakthrough Prayer

21 days of simple Scriptures to pray as you ask the Lord for your breakthrough. Each day contains a short, bullet-point list of prayer points to help you exercise your prayer muscles. Pray God's own Word back to Him and watch to see what He does in response!
