Choose BraveNäide

Brave in love
Love makes us brave. Being loved and knowing that we are loved is one of the most empowering feelings. It makes us feel like we could take on the world! But loving others the way Jesus loves us, as we are commanded to do, requires us to be brave.
Loving others can be hard. It requires selflessness, sacrifice, humility, and vulnerability. And this is exactly the place Jesus wants us: fully in His love and fully loving one another. This is how the world will recognize us as His children, because only with Christ can we know love on this level. Only with Christ can we be brave enough to love each other the way He loves us. His love makes us brave.
Dear God, Thank You for Your sacrificial love. Thank You, Jesus, for loving me and for being my example of loving others. Help me to love others the way You love me. Father, show me people in my life who need me to love them well. Lord, I want to be known as Yours by my brave love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
About this Plan

There isn’t a woman on this earth who doesn’t struggle with fear, doubt, and uncertainty. Yet, through His Word, God lovingly reminds us over and over again not to live our lives in fear. Instead, He commands us to be strong and courageous…maybe even fearless. Why? Because He is with us. Joshua 1:9
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