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Love God Greatly - Made for CommunitySample

Love God Greatly - Made for Community

DAY 22 OF 54

The Israelites had just been delivered from Egypt by Moses. After grumbling and complaining, they witness God’s miraculous provision of food and water in the desert. All of sudden, they are facing battle. The Amalekites were the descendants of Esau, Jacob’s twin, who turned down God’s blessing for a bowl of soup and was tricked from receiving Isaac’s blessing. The Israelites were facing their first battle against a warring people…against family. The Israelites were not warriors. They knew nothing of organized battle. They had been in bondage for the last 400 years. The odds were stacked against them, but God was on their side. The battle was fought on two fronts, spiritually and physically. Joshua led his men who physically fought the battle, while Moses led the fight spiritually. As Moses lifted his staff towards the heavens, Israel prevailed in war. When he let his hand down, Amalek prevailed. Aaron and Hur, surrounded him, lifted and supported his hands to keep them steady until sundown. The Amalekites, the ruthless warriors, were defeated.

God was the divine source of the Israelites’ first victory in battle. He remains our divine source of strength, protection, and victory in the battles that we face today. He taught the Israelites the importance of combined spiritual and physical warfare to ensure success in battle. Joshua wielded the sword in his hand, while Moses lifted the staff with his. Obedient prayer and action were both necessary to have success. Both Moses and Joshua were faithful servants of God, willing to do what was necessary to ensure that His battle was won. The Israelites were faithful to fight a tough long desert battle against a formidable foe until the sun went down. Aaron and Hur were faithful to lift, support, and steady Moses’ arm for those long hours until the battle was won. Neither service was insignificant to God because both were in service to Him.

What battles are you fighting? Are you trying to fight them on your own or are you wielding both the sword and the staff - combining your actions for the Lord with prayer? Are you tempted to doubt the importance and necessity of what you are doing in service and obedience to the Lord? Are you willing to be the Aaron and Hur to your leaders upholding them in prayer? Are you willing to be one of the nameless Israelites fighting on behalf of your leaders through selfless action and obedience to God? God recognizes and rewards all of His people for their faithful obedience as He empowers each one of us as we engage in battle. Without Moses lifting the staff, the battle would not be won. Without Aaron and Hur supporting and steadying Moses hand, the battle would not be won. Without Joshua leading the charge against the Amalekites, the battle would not be won. Without the Israelites fighting from sun up to sun down, the battle would not be won. Without God, the battle could not be won. We must remember that wherever we are called to serve God, we are simply the vessel and instrument that He chooses. We must never forget that it is His gifting, His anointing, and for His purpose, therefore, when our battles are won, He must get all of the glory and praise.

PRAYER: Father God, apart from You, we can do nothing. Yet, You choose us to carry out Your purposes and plans here on earth. Help us, Lord, to remain solely focused on You as we wield our sword and staff. May Your Church be a unified body who never takes action without first praying and seeking You. May Your Church never be a body who prays and seeks You but fails to take obedient action on Your behalf. Let every member humbly submit to the position You have called us to in Your church. Thank You, Lord, for the reminder that whatever we do for You has value, power, and purpose and will last for an eternity. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Day 21Day 23

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Love God Greatly - Made for Community

Love God Greatly is a community of women which exists to inspire, encourage and equip women all over the world to get into God’s Word on a daily basis through our eight week Monday-Friday Bible reading plans. Each day you can join our online community by participating in our Monday-Wednesday-Friday corresponding blog posts at We invite you to join other like-minded women from around the world on Facebook: Love God Greatly, Instagram and Twitter by using the #LoveGodGreatly Bible study hashtag and share your daily insights with us.
