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Our Daily Bread Christmas: God With UsNäide

Our Daily Bread Christmas: God With Us

DAY 8 OF 10

The Giver of All Good Things

Some of the most hilarious episodes in the popular “Calvin and Hobbes” comic strips are the Christmas ones in which Calvin chatters to his stuffed tiger Hobbes about Santa and the presents he wants from him. The unregenerate, unrepentant Calvin wants lots and lots of gifts from Santa. But he’s torn because he knows he’s supposed to be good to get them. He tries to figure out how he can con Santa into believing he’s a good little boy. Calvin really, really wants those gifts! And Santa? He’s the source of gifts, nothing more.

We smile at the little boy’s antics. The distinction between seeking God and only seeking the benefits we may get from Him is similar. Yet isn’t God the giver of all good things? (James 1:17). It might be helpful to remember our own childhood Christmas celebrations. Hopefully along with the excitement of opening presents, we also loved and appreciated the givers who loved us.

Psalm 34 offers a picture of gratitude that appreciates both the gifts and the Giver. Through experiencing God’s goodness in the gifts He gives us, we “taste and see that the Lord is good” (v. 8) and are moved to praise Him “at all times” (v. 1). As we focus on the love and majesty and grace of God, we can more fully enjoy His gifts, because our hearts will beat in rhythm with that of our heavenly Father. —Harold Myra

Gratitude appreciates both the gifts and the Giver.


Day 7Day 9

About this Plan

Our Daily Bread Christmas: God With Us

The following devotionals are designed to help you in your spiritual journey. Each article has been selected to help you understand more about God's love for you, and we hope that through this plan you will find encouragement, comfort, and true joy this Christmas season.
