Digging Deeper Daily: By Daily Bible Reading PodcastNäide

MICAH 1-2:
The name “Micah” is a shortened form of “Micaiah,” which means, “Who is like Yahweh?” A different Micaiah, the son of Imlah, served as a prophet in the Northern Kingdom during the reign of King Ahab of Israel (874-853 B.C., 1Kings 22:8-28; 2Chron. 18:3-27).
Micah prophesied during the reigns of the Judean kings Jotham (750-732 B.C.), Ahaz (732-715 B.C.), and Hezekiah (715-686 B.C.). This makes him a late eighth-century contemporary of Isaiah. While Isaiah was ministering in Jerusalem, perhaps Micah was more of a country prophet. Amos and Hosea were preaching at the same time in the Northern Kingdom. Micah’s message is similar to that of Amos, and Micah spoke at a time when conditions in Judah were much like those in the Northern Kingdom while Amos was preaching. Both prophets denounced social sins and the unfair treatment of the poor by the rich. The Northern Kingdom was taken into captivity during Micah’s lifetime— fulfilling Amos’ prophecies.
Micah contains three notable passages about Christ:
- Bethlehem will produce the ultimate Ruler 5:2— the information quoted to Herod in Mat. 2.
- Christ will be the King 2:12-13
- Christ will reign in righteousness over the whole earth 4:1,7-8
As we heard yesterday, Isaiah 49 includes these words that are quoted in 2Cor 6:2:
Is. 49:8 NLT “At just the right time, I will respond to you.
On the day of salvation I will help you.
And these next words are frequently repeated by the Lord elsewhere, therefore, IMPORTANT:
Is. 49:23b NLT Then you will know that I am the LORD.
Those who trust in me will never be put to shame.”
The churches of Pergamum and Thyatira (chapter 2) were enduring and remaining loyal to Jesus. But both were allowing the corruption of false teaching that promoted adultery and idolatry. Jesus warned of severe punishments including death for those who failed to repent, and also wonderful promises to those who are victorious. I especially love the last promise to the church in Pergamum because it shows how intimately Jesus knows us and how his rewards will be appropriate for each of us:
Rev. 2:17b NLT And I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it.
About this Plan

Congratulations on starting TODAY on a life-transforming journey! The Digging Deeper Daily plan will help you be successful in your commitment to read the whole Bible in a year. The unique order of the readings— together with the brief devotional notes, will help see the various threads that unify the message of the Old and New Testaments.