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Awakening: How To PrayNäide

Awakening: How To Pray

DAY 7 OF 7

“For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”

Jesus models prayer in both simplicity and power. Simple prayers cause big change, and our access to the power of God is acquired through prayer. Since this model of prayer is straight from God, we encourage you to incorporate it into your daily life!

Here's our final challenge to you: Make a decision to be consistent in your prayer life. To help you do that, Awakening has created a Prayer App! This will help you pray daily and pray specifically. Download the app by visiting

Day 6

About this Plan

Awakening: How To Pray

We all agree on the importance of prayer. We know it is a priority in our lives. We hear sermons and teachings on it, and we promise to pray for others. If you’re a follower of Christ, you understand prayer is your access to God. The reality is that we all WANT to pray- but oftentimes, we don’t know how. These next 7 days, we’ll look at the Lord’s prayer and break it down as our example for prayer.
