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We Love Because God First Loved UsSample

We Love Because God First Loved Us

DAY 5 OF 10

We Love God the Holy Spirit

Opening Prayer: 

We love the Holy Spirit within the unity of the Trinity, along with you, our Father, and God the Son. He is the missionary Spirit sent by the missionary Father and the missionary Son, breathing life and power into God’s missionary church. We love and pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit because, without the witness of the Spirit to Christ, our own witness is futile. Without the convicting work of the Spirit, our preaching is in vain. Without the gifts, guidance, and power of the Spirit, our mission is mere human effort. And without the fruit of the Spirit, our unattractive lives cannot reflect the beauty of the gospel. Amen.


In the Old Testament, we see the Spirit of God active in creation, in works of liberation and justice, and infilling and empowering people for every kind of service. Spirit-filled prophets looked forward to the coming King and Servant, whose Person and work would be endowed with God’s Spirit. Prophets also looked to the coming age that would be marked by the outpouring of God’s Spirit, bringing new life, fresh obedience, and prophetic gifting to all the people of God, young and old, men and women.

At Pentecost, God poured out his Holy Spirit as promised by the prophets and by Jesus. The sanctifying Spirit produces his fruit in the lives of believers, and the first fruit is always love. The Spirit fills the church with his gifts, which we ‘eagerly desire’ as the indispensable equipment for Christian service. The Spirit gives us power for mission and for the great variety of works of service. The Spirit enables us to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel, to discern the truth, to pray effectively, and to prevail over the forces of darkness. The Spirit inspires and accompanies our worship. The Spirit strengthens and comforts disciples who are persecuted or on trial for their witness to Christ.

Our engagement in mission, then, is pointless and fruitless without the presence, guidance, and power of the Holy Spirit. This is true of mission in all its dimensions: evangelism, bearing witness to the truth, discipling, peace-making, social engagement, ethical transformation, caring for creation, overcoming evil powers, casting out demonic spirits, healing the sick, suffering, and enduring under persecution. All we do in the name of Christ must be led and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The New Testament makes this clear in the life of the early church and the teaching of the apostles. It is being demonstrated today in the fruitfulness and growth of churches where Jesus’ followers act confidently in the power of the Holy Spirit, with dependence and expectation. 

Closing Prayer: 

There is no true or whole gospel, and no authentic biblical mission, without the Person, work, and power of the Holy Spirit. We pray for a greater awakening to this biblical truth, and for its experience to be a reality in all parts of the worldwide body of Christ. However, we are aware of the many abuses that masquerade under the name of the Holy Spirit, the many ways in which all kinds of phenomena are practiced and praised, which are not the gifts of the Holy Spirit as clearly taught in the New Testament. There is a great need for more profound discernment, for clear warnings against delusion, for the exposure of fraudulent and self-serving manipulators who abuse spiritual power for their own ungodly enrichment. Above all, Father, there is a great need for sustained biblical teaching and preaching, soaked in humble prayer, that will equip believers to understand and rejoice in the true gospel and to recognize and reject false gospels. Amen.

Call upon God for such an outpouring of his Spirit that we, his people, will be assured of his love through his Word.

Day 4Day 6

About this Plan

We Love Because God First Loved Us

God’s relentless love is the life-blood of his mission. This love was most remarkably displayed in the culmination of his grand salvation plan: sending his very own Son to live and minister on earth, finally dying a sinner’s death on the cross, that we might be redeemed by our faith in him and raised with him in his resurrection. Such perfect love demands a response—we love because God first loved us.
