Stormproof MenNäide

A Way Out
Since Scripture is true, since God is faithful, and since God promised He would not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can endure, we have real hope for success and real help from Him.
- No one's struggles are unique. Humanity has struggled with immorality for ages. Some of the specific forms vary (after all, the internet was not a problem in Paul’s day), but sexual temptations are not new. And they are not unique - other men struggle with the same issues each of us struggle with, no matter how severe those problems may be. Too many hide their struggles from others and feel like they are the only ones facing this particular temptation. In this frame of mind, they certainly will not want to admit to someone that they need help. But, their struggles are normal! “Normal” does not mean their actions are right, only that the problems are not unique and that no person is alone in their struggle. Paul counters the lie many believe, “You are the only one who sins like this. You are hopeless.”
- We do not find the keys to victory through self-effort. Instead, they lie in the person and work of God. Paul here simply says, “God is faithful.” Both the means and the power for enduring the temptation come from God. This short statement gives us a glimpse into the greatness of God and His provisions on our behalf.
- As strong as sexual temptation may feel, that strength pales in comparison to the power of God. He will not allow us to be tempted or tested beyond what we can endure. We might think it is more than we can endure, but that is not the fact.
- The faithful God promises to provide a way of escape so that the believer can withstand the temptation or test. Asking God to remove the temptation falls short of what God promised. God promises a “way of escape,” a way out, a way of success. Anyone who is trying to live a sexually pure life may prove His promise to be true. God never promises to remove sources of sexual temptation, however He does promise a “way of escape.” So, a better prayer would ask Him to show the way of escape and to give the wisdom and strength to use that escape route!
The purpose of this plan is to help discover such hope and help. We can experience purity before the sexual struggle engulfs us.
About this Plan

Since Scripture is true, since God is faithful, and since God promised He would not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can endure, we have real hope for success and real help from Him. The purpose of this plan is to help discover such hope and help – and to experience purity before the sexual struggle engulfs us. Can a believer experience sexual purity when everything around him says to indulge and enjoy it? The Bible says yes!