The Supremacy Of LoveNäide

Marked by Christ's Love
Do you really love God? Are you marked by love? Is love the chief characteristic of your life? Loving others truly proves that you understand the love of Christ. Grasp the powerful essence of our Savior’s love: He laid down His life for us…
· when we were still powerless, totally unable to help ourselves or to save ourselves
· when we were ungodly
· when we were sinners
· when we were enemies of God, rebelling, cursing, neglecting, ignoring, denying and rejecting God.
Despite all this, Jesus Christ died for us. He took our sins and the guilt for them upon Himself, and He paid the judgment for them. Jesus died for us. Why? Because He loves us; He loves us enough to die for us even when we oppose and do things against Him.
The point is this: if we love God, then we follow His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We love people just like He did; we love them even when they oppose and do things against us. In addition, love is compassionate; it gives to meet people’s needs. No matter what we profess, think, or argue, if we are not actively helping to meet the needs of the desperate and needy in our communities and in the world, we do not genuinely love God. This type of love is the proof that we really understand the love of Christ. If we love those who do things against us then we know the love of Christ. If we help and give sacrificially to meet the needs of the oppressed, then we know the love of Christ.
God loved us: He gave His all to save us. Therefore, we must love others: we must give all that we are and have.
Study Questions:
1. Do you believe that you are marked by love?
2. Do you have an understanding of the depth of God’s love for you? How does that overflow into your daily life decisions?
3. What can it look like for you to love those who oppose you? To love the needy in your community?
About this Plan

Without question, what our world needs more than anything else is love. If people loved each other, really loved each other, there would be no more war, crime, abuse, injustice, poverty, hunger, homelessness, deprivation, or immorality. Love is the one ingredient that could revolutionize society. Love is the greatest quality of human life. Love is the supreme quality, the most excellent way for us to live. In this 7-day plan, explore the different aspects of love, including how to love others, remaining in Christ's love, God's agape love for us, and why love is greater than faith and hope.
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