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The Book Of John In SongNäide

The Book Of John In Song

DAY 18 OF 21

John 18

“Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him…” The death of Jesus was not a tragic ending to a good life, but the glorious substitute of His perfect life. Indeed, the cross of Jesus wasn’t the quintessential “making lemonade from lemons” -- that is, God making something good out of something bad. No! The cross wasn’t an evil accident, but an eternal providence.

“Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him…” Before the world began, the whole Trinity -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, put into place a grace-full story of redemption -- a salvation that would require the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus wasn’t arrested by Roman soldiers; he was arrested by the glory of God to be revealed by his taking our place upon the cross.

That our salvation required the death of the perfect Son of God is tragic, but that Jesus so willingly, so gladly, so generously gave his life for us, is astonishing—knee-buckling, heart-liberating, worship-producing … astonishing.

Lord Jesus, no one could take your life from you -- not the kiss of Judas nor the armies of Rome. You could have called down angels to free you, instead you freely went to the cross for us. You presented your body as a sacrifice of atonement for our sins . We now present our bodies to you as a living sacrifice of worship, adoration, and praise.

Scotty Smith


Day 17Day 19

About this Plan

The Book Of John In Song

This 21-day Bible reading plan features 21 devotionals and 21 songs, that have been written from a specific passage in each chapter of the Gospel of John, enabling both, believers and nonbelievers to experience God’s truth in a unique and powerful way.
