Tedashii - Below ParadiseNäide

People aren't, things aren't, this world isn't perfect. There are those who demand such a level of perfection that we seldome live up to their desires. And even if we somehow could, their desires are still subpar to the lofty perfection God expects of us. The difference between the two is, God provides the means of achieving the standard he desires for us while being equally gracious in our shortcomings.
Practice makes perfect. Pitch perfect. The perfect person for you. There are lots of common phrases we throw around with this word. But what does it mean? Here's a typical definition - having all of the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.
If we're honest with ourselves, we know that we're not perfect, things aren't perfect, this world isn't perfect. But we still expect perfection from ourselves and from others. We can be quick to forget that perfection can not be had here, and by doing so, we're just setting ourselves up for disappointment, for failure.
We would do well to remind ourselves of the truth in Philippians 3. We see that word again, "perfect", but here it carries the meaning of "to complete, to make perfect by reaching the intended goal." Lest his readers get discouraged that they'll never reach the intended goal, Paul tells them earlier in the letter, 1:6, that he who began a good work will, in His perfect timing, bring it to completion.
I need the same encouragement. I will one day reach the goal.
I am in Christ, already seated with Him in the heavenly places. But this is another example of the "already but not yet." Though I am positionally perfect, practically I am not. So, as I live in the reality of the "not yet" I will press on, in The Lord, towards the perfection that awaits. And as I do, I will extend myself and others grace when mistakes are made. I will be grateful that the good work that has been started will surely be finished.
Father, thank you for promising to finish the good work that you have started in me. Amen.
About this Plan

Husband, father, artist, teacher. Tedashii is a many of multiple roles. With his 2014 album, Below Paradise, Tedashii gives an honest confession of the pain he felt after suffering the loss of his son, and the sobering realization he came to regarding life in a fallen world. We will have pain here, but can take heart if we put our hope in Christ, the One who has overcome the world.
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