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DAY 14 OF 31

Getting Better

Kerry O’Neill


As a young basketball player I had one main goal: to play well and look good doing it. That is why I shied away from competing against better players. I also did not want to play different positions that would take me out of my comfort zone and expose weaknesses in my game. My desire to look good really stemmed from the fear of looking bad, and it kept me from attempting new things and taking risks.

After college I began competing against professional basketball players, and many of them were in the NBA. My attitude changed, and my goal was no longer to look good but rather to improve my game. I knew that in order for me to improve, I needed to compete against better players, even if that meant I would look bad. Over time, I improved significantly!

Wanting to do well and look good is understandable. It’s something you might battle with to some degree because of your insecurities. However, this can easily dominate your life and determine your actions as it did mine as a young basketball player. What’s worse is that you can carry that attitude into your spiritual life, to where your goal becomes appearing as a strong Christian rather than living as one.


1. What is your goal when you compete?

2. Do you wrestle with desiring to look good more than improving?

3. If your goal was to improve, what could you do differently in your sport? In your life?


1 Corinthians 13:11

Hebrews 6:1

James 1:2–4

Colossians 1:9–14


"Father, give me the courage to do things that will grow me in my sport and in my walk with You. Amen."

Day 13Day 15

About this Plan


Are you ready to relentlessly pursue Jesus Christ in your sport? The FCA Relentless Devotional speaks directly to the heart of the competitor by dealing with issues that coaches and athletes face on and off the field of competition. Ideal for competitors of any sport, this 31-day plan will also help establish a consistent, daily quiet time with God, and includes extra readings and suggested prayer.
