Mattha 13
Tha parable o tha fairmer scattèrin seed
1That verie day Jesus gaed oot o tha hoose an sut doon bi tha loch shore. 2Sitch a thrang o fowk gethert roon hïm that he got ïntae a bóat an sut ïn ït, while aa tha fowk stud bye on tha shore. 3An he toul thaim a hale wheen o thïngs bi parables, laik thïs yin: “Thair wus thïs fairmer gaed oot tae saa seed. 4An as he wus scattèrin ït, some drapt doon alang tha pad, an tha burds flew doon an peckt thaim up. 5Thair wus some seed faad doon on roakie grun, whar thair wusnae much clye. It sprung up quïck, becas tha clye wus shalla, 6but as shune as it brairdit an tha sin ris, tha plants wus scorcht, an the' wuthert awa acause the' haed nae ruits. 7Ither seed faad doon amang thoarns an breers, that sprung up, tuk ower an chokt ït. 8Yit ither seed faad on guid grun, whar ït brocht a hairst o a hunnèr, sïxtie or thurtie times whut wus sowed. 9Let hïm that haes ears ïn hïs heid tak tent!”
10Hïs follaers cum tae hïm an axt, “Fer why dae ye spake tae tha fowk ïn parables?” 11He saed, “Tae you God haes gien an unnèrstannin o tha saicrets o tha Kïngdom o Heiven, but no tae thaim. 12Fer hïm that haes plentie wull be gien mair, an he wull hae mair ner eneuch. An hïm that haes lïttle, even whut he haes wull be tuk awa frae hïm. 13Thïs ïs tha raison A spake tae thaim ïn parables: ‘Tha mair the' luk, the' dïnnae see; tha mair the' hear, the' dïnnae lïsten or unnèrstan. 14Isaiah's proaphesie cums aboot ïn thaim whaniver he says:
“You wull aye be hearin but niver unnèrstannin;
ye'll aye be seein but niver takkin ït ïn.
15Fer tha hairt o these fowk haes becum haird;
the' can harlie hear wi thair ears,
an the' hae shut thair een.
Itherwise the' cud see wi thair een,
the' cud hear wi thair ears,
the' cud unnèrstan wi thair hairts,
an the' wud turn tae me, tae hail thaim.”’
16But your een ïs blisst acause they can see, an your ears tae, acause they can hear. 17Fer A tell ye tha truith, thair's monies a proaphit an monies a guid man wud hae gien oniethin fer tae see whut yous see but the' dïdnae see ït; an tae hear whut yous hear but the' dïdnae hear ït.
18Lïsten then tae whut tha parable o tha sower mains: 19Whan oniebodie hears tha message aboot tha Kïngdom an daesnae unnèrstan ït, alang cums tha Wïckit Yin an snaps awa whut wus sowed ïn hïs hairt. Thïs ïs whut tha seed sowed nixt tha pad stans fer. 20An then tha seed that faad on roakie grun stans fer tha bodie that hears tha message, an taks ït ïn richt awa wi a gled hairt. 21But seein as he haes nae ruits, ït onlie houls wi hïm fer a wee while. Whan haird times an trouble cums acause o God's wurd, he jist gies up thair an then. 22Then tha seed that faad doon amang tha thoarns, that's laik a bodie that hears tha message, but wi hïm chasin eftèr money, an tha bothers o thïs warl, tha message gets chokt an ït aa cums tae naethin. 23But tha seed that faad doon on guid grun ïs laik tha bodie that taks tha wurd tae hairt an unnèrstans ït, brïngin ïn a yiel o thurtie, sïxtie or a hunnèr times mair ner wus sowed.”
Tha wheat an tha geel
24Jesus toul thaim anither parable: “Tha Kïngdom o Heiven ïs laik a man that sowed guid seed ïn hïs fiel. 25But whaniver aa tha fowk wus sleepin, hïs enemie cum an sowed geel amang tha wheat, an then he tuk aff. 26Noo as shune as tha wheat brairdit an tha ears appeart, tha weeds cum up as weel. 27An tha fairmer's sarvin men cum up tae hïm. ‘Maistèr,’ the' saed, ‘dïd ye no sow guid seed ïn yer fiel? Whar then dïd tha weeds cum frae?’ 28‘An enemie haes daen thïs,’ he saed. Tha sarvints axt hïm, ‘Dae ye want iz tae gae oot an pu thaim up?’ 29‘Na,’ he saed bak tae thaim, ‘becas whaniver ye'r pu'in oot tha weeds, ye'll mebbe ruit up tha wheat alang wi thaim. 30Let thaim baith growe thegither tae tha hairvest. An then A'll tell tha reapers: Gether up tha weeds furst an tye thaim up ïn bunnels fer burnin; then awa an gether up tha wheat an brïng ït ïntae ma barn.’ ”
Tha wee mustèrt seed
31Jesus toul thaim yit anither parable: “Tha Kïngdom o Heiven ïs laik a wee mustèrt seed, that a man tuk an sowed ïn hïs fiel. 32Tha mair ït stairts aff as a gye wee seed, yit whan ït growes, ït becums a bïg büsh an then a tree, sae as tha wee burds cum an tuk shiltèr ïn ïts brenches.”
Tha parable o tha yeast
33An here's anither yin he toul thaim: “Tha Kïngdom o Heiven ïs laik yeast that a wumman tuk fer tae mak breid. She warkt that wee bït ïntae a bïg boul o flure, tae tha hale lock o ït ris.”
34Jesus spauk ïn parables whan he toul tha croods aa these thïngs; he dïdnae say ocht tae thaim wi'oot uisin a parable. 35Thïs wus tae brïng aboot whut tha proaphit saed wud happen: “A wull taak tae ye ïn parables, A wull tell ye thïngs hïd since tha warl begun.”
36Then he left tha crood o fowk an went ïntae tha hoose. Hïs follaers cum tae hïm an saed, “Wud ye tell iz whut that parable o tha weeds ïn tha fiel mains?” 37He answert, “Tha yin that sowed tha guid seed ïs tha Sinn o Man. 38Tha fiel ïs tha warl, an tha guid seed stans fer tha sinns o tha Kïngdom. Tha weeds stans fer tha childèr o tha wïckit yin, 39an tha enemie that sows thaim ïs tha Deil. Tha hairvest ïs tha enn o tha warl, an tha reapers ir tha angels. 40Jist tha wye tha weeds ir pu'ed up an brunt ïn tha fire, that's tha wye ït'll be at tha enn o tha warl. 41Tha Sinn o Man wull senn oot hïs angels, an the'll ruit oot o hïs Kïngdom iveriethin that brïngs aboot sïn an aa thaim that daes wrang. 42An tha angels wull flïng thaim ïntae tha fierie furnace, whar thair wull be sair greetin an scringein o teeth. 43Then tha yins that's daen richt wull shine brichtlie laik tha sin ïn thair Faither's Kïngdom. Let hïm that haes ears ïn hïs heid tak tent!
Hïdden treysure an a fancie pearl
44Tha Kïngdom o Heiven ïs laik treysure hïd ïn a fiel. Thair wus thïs man fun ït, an he went an hïd ït agane; an he wus that plaised aboot ït, he went an soul aa he haed an he bocht tha fiel.
45An agane, tha Kïngdom o Heiven ïs laik a dailer on tha luk-oot fer fancie pearls. 46Whaniver he fun yin that wus warth a hale lock, awa he went an soul iveriethin he haed, an he bocht ït.
Tha parable o tha fïshin neyt
47Or agane, tha Kïngdom o Heiven ïs laik a neyt that the' lut doon ïntae tha loch, an ït catched aa kines o fïsh. 48Whaniver ït wus fu, tha fïshermen haaled ït ashore. Then the' sut doon an the' waaled throu ït. The' püt tha guid fïsh ïntae creels, but the' throwed tha baad yins awa. 49That's hoo ït'll be at tha enn o tha warl. Tha angels'll cum an soart oot tha wïckit fowk frae tha guid, 50an the'll cast thaim ïntae tha fierie furnace, whar thair'll be greetin an scringein o teeth.”
51“Hae ye unnèrstud aa these thïngs?” Jesus axt hïs follaers. “Ay, we hae,” the' saed. 52He saed tae thaim, “Weel then, iverie maistèr o tha Laa that haes bin schuiled ïn tha thïngs o tha Kïngdom o Heiven, ïs laik tha guidman o tha hoose that brïngs oot o hïs storeruim treysures baith oul an new.”
Is thïs no tha cairpentèr's sinn?
53An whan Jesus wus daen tellin these parables, he gaed on frae thair, 54an bak tae hïs hametoon. An whaniver he stairtit taichin tha fowk thair ïn tha Meetin Hoose, the' wur aa dumfoonèrt. “Whar dïd thïs man get hïs wusdom an mïraclis pooers frae?” the' axt. 55“Is thïs no jist tha cairpentèr's sinn? Hïs mither's caad Mary, ïsn't she? An ir hïs brithers no Jeames, Joseph, Simon an Judas? 56Shair hïs sïstèrs ir aa here wi iz! Sae whar dïd thïs bodie get aa thïs frae?” 57An the' tuk umrage at hïm. But Jesus saed tae thaim, “A proaphit's niver weel thocht o ïn hïs hametoon, or ïn hïs ain hoose.” 58An he dïdnae dae monie mïracles thair acause o thair want o faith.
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