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Matthew 11

John Baptist apeirs; and Jesus answers. Folk that wadna speir, and wadna be speirʼt at!
1And it cam aboot, whan Jesus had endit his commauns to his disciples, he gaed on, to teach iʼ their touns.
2Noo whan John, iʼ the prison, had heard oʼ the warks oʼ Christ, he sent twa oʼ his disciples,
3And speirʼt at him, “Are ye He wha comes? Or div we look for some ither ane?”
4Jesus answerʼt, and says till them, “Gang yere ways; and schaw John aʼ that ye see and hear!
5“The blinʼ are gettin their sicht, the lameters walk aboot, the lepers are made clean, the deif are hearin, the deid are raised up, the puir and destitute hae the Blythe‐message proclaimʼt till them!
6“And happy sal he be wha sees nae cause oʼ misdootin in me!”
7And as they gaed their ways, Jesus begude to speir at the thrangs, anent John, “What gaed ye oot intil the muirlands to see? a reed wafflinʼ iʼ the win?
8“But what gaed ye oot to see? a man in braw claes! See! they wha wear braw claes are in kingʼs coorts.
9“But what gaed ye oot for to see? A prophet? Aye! say I tʼye; mair nor a prophet!
10“For this is he oʼ wham it is written, ‘Tent ye! I send oot my messenger afore thy face, wha sal mak gangable thy fit‐path afore thee!’
11“Truly say I tʼye, Amang aʼ thae that are born oʼ weemen, hasna risen ane greater nor John Baptist: yet whasae is wee iʼ the Kingdom oʼ Heeven is #11:11 “In knowledge made kent till him, in boundless hope, in a felt sibness till his Faither and his God, the laighest bairn oʼ the new covenant has a richer tocher than the greatest prophet oʼ the auld.” — Farrar, Life of Christ, ch. xx.greater nor he!
12“And frae John Baptistʼs days the Kingdom oʼ Heeven is in the way oʼ bein reived, and the reiverst ak it by main strenʼth!
13“For aʼ the prophets, and the Law, testifyʼt doon till John.
14“And, gin ye but accept it, this is ‘Elijah,’ wha was to come!
15“He wha has hearin to hear, sae lat him hear!
16“But to what sal I even this race? It is like bairns sittin iʼ the merkit‐place, and cryin oot to their marrows,
17“And sayin, ‘We played till ye, and ye didna dance; we maenʼd till ye, and ye made nae wail!’
18“For John cam, eatin‐na and drinkin‐na, and ye say, ‘He has an evil spirit!’
19“The Son oʼ Man cam, eatin anʼ drinkin; and ye say, ‘See! a man gluttonous! a tippler oʼ wine! a freend oʼ tax‐men and ill‐deedie folk!’ But, ‘What comes oʼ Wisdom vindicates her!’ ”
20Than begude he to challenge thae cities whaur the feck oʼ his great wunner‐warks war dune, for that they repentit‐na:
21“Wae comes till ye, Chorazin! Wae comes till ye, Bethsaida! for gin in Tyre and Sidon had been dune sic wunner‐warks as were dune in you, they wad hae repentit lang syne in tow‐claith and assis!
22“But say I tʼye, it sal be mair tholeable for Tyre and Sidon at the day oʼ Judgment nor for you!
23“And ye, Capernaum! Till Heeven are ye to be raised? Till hell sal ye be dung doon! for gin the warks dune in you had been dune in Sodom, it wad hae been to the fore to this day!
24“But say I tʼye, It sal be mair tholeable for a Land oʼ Sodom in the day oʼ Judgment nor for you!”
25At that time Jesus spak, and said: “I gie thee thanks, O Faither, Lord oʼ Heeven and Yirth! that thou did hide thir things frae the wyss and the discernin, and did schaw them till weans!
26“Aye, Faither! for sae it was gude in thy sicht!
27“Aʼ things are gien to me oʼ my Faither. And nane weel‐kens the Son but the Faither allenarlie, and nane weel‐kens the Faither but only the Son, and he the Son wull schaw him till.
28“Come ye to me, aʼ ye wha toil and moil wiʼ heavy burdens, and I wull gie you rest!
29“Tak my yoke upon ye, and learn ye oʼ me: for I am meek and lown‐heartit, and ye sal finʼ rest tae yer sauls.
30“For my yoke is cannie; and my burden licht.”

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Matthew 11: SCO1904

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