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Ezekiel 46

The Prince and the Feasts
1Lord Yahweh says: “The east gate of the inner courtyard must remain closed for the six working days. # 46:1 That is, from Sunday to Friday. However, on the Sabbath day and the day of the new moon, it will be open. 2The prince must enter through the porch of the outer gate and stand by the posts of the gateway as the priests offer his burnt offering and his fellowship offering on his behalf. He must bow down and worship at the threshold of the gate. Then the prince will go out the same gate he entered, but the gate will remain open until evening. 3Each Sabbath and each new moon, all the people of the land will bow down and worship in the presence of Yahweh at the entrance to the gate.
4“On the Sabbath, I want the prince to bring to me six lambs and one ram, all without flaws, and the priests will burn them as an offering to me. 5Additionally, I want the prince to also give me one ephah of grain with the ram as an offering and as much grain offering as he wants to give for each lamb, plus a hin # 46:5 A hin is one-sixteenth of a bath (a bath is slightly over five gallons, or nineteen liters). Also vv. 7, 11, 14. of olive oil for every ephah of flour.
6“On the day of the new moon, I want the prince to offer to me a young unblemished bull, six unblemished lambs, and one unblemished ram. 7And with his offerings, I want him also to bring to me one ephah of grain for the bull and one ephah of grain for the ram, and as much flour and oil as he wants for the lambs, and a hin of oil for every ephah of grain.
8“When the prince enters, he must enter and exit the outer courtyard by the porch of the gate.
9-10“When the people of Israel come into my presence for the solemn festivals, the prince will be with them, coming in with them and going out with them. When they enter the outer courtyard, they will all go in from either the north side or south side of the temple. Those who have come in by the north gate to bow in worship must go out by the south gate, and those who have come in by the south gate must go out by the north gate. No one will turn around and leave through the same gate by which he entered, but they must go out on the opposite side. # 46:9–10 That is, no one can be in God’s presence and leave the same way as they came. God’s presence changes us, transforms us, and touches our lives indelibly.
11“On the feast days and solemn festivals the prince’s grain offering must be one ephah for every bull, one ephah for every ram, and as much as he wants for the lambs, and a hin of oil for every ephah of grain. 12When the prince offers me a freewill burnt offering or a freewill fellowship sacrifice, the east gate must be opened for him, and he will make his offering as he does on the Sabbath day. When he leaves, the priests will shut the gate behind him.
13“Every day, he # 46:13 As translated from a few Hebrew manuscripts, the Septuagint, and the Vulgate. Most Hebrew manuscripts have “you.” However, it is doubtful that “you” is referring to Ezekiel and more likely that it is referring to the “prince.” must provide a year-old flawless lamb as a burnt offering to me for the morning sacrifice. 14Additionally, every morning, he must provide a grain offering of one-sixth of an ephah and one-third hin of olive oil, to mix with the flour. This grain offering to me will be a lasting ordinance for all time. 15Every single morning, the lamb, the grain, and the olive oil must be offered to me.”
The Prince’s Land
16Lord Yahweh says: “If the prince gives a gift of his land to any of his sons, that land will belong to his descendants. It is their property by inheritance. 17If, however, he gives part of his inheritance to one of his servants, it will belong to him until the year of liberty, and then it must return to the prince. # 46:17 Or “then it will come to an end.” The year of liberty is most likely the Year of Jubilee. See Lev. 25:8–55. The purpose of this law was so that the prince’s family would never permanently lose the property of their family line. Only he and his sons will own it permanently. 18The prince may not evict anyone from their land or seize any part of the family property of any Israelite. He must provide an inheritance for his sons out of his own property so that no member of my people is robbed of what is his!” # 46:18 Or “is scattered from his property.”
The Sacred Kitchens
19Then the shining man took me through the entrance at the side of the north gate that leads to the priests’ holy chambers. And behold, there before us was a place at the western end of the rooms. 20He said to me, “This is the kitchen where the priests must boil the guilt offering and the sin offering, and where they must bake the grain offering without having to carry them into the outer court and inadvertently transmit holiness to the people.”
21Then he brought me out to the outer court and led me to each of its four corners. And in each corner of the outer court was an enclosure. 22Each enclosure in the corners was the same size, forty cubits by thirty cubits. # 46:22 About 70 feet by 52.5 feet (21.3 meters by 16 meters). 23All four enclosures had stone shelves on the walls # 46:23 Or “a ledge of stone all around the inside of each of the walls.” These “ledges” were most likely courses of stone masonry designed to enclose the fireplaces. with built-in fireplaces all around the walls under the ledge.
24Then the shining man said to me, “These are the kitchens where the temple servants # 46:24 That is, the Levites. will cook the sacrifices the people offer.”

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