Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 27:59

Easter Meditations: The Price That Was Paid
3 Days
In the days leading up to Easter Sunday, let's take some time to stop, dive deep into Jesus' journey to the cross, and invite Him to bring you fresh revelation of this season. It is helpful to have a journal with you as you reflect on the questions, and to track what God reveals to you in this time!

The 3 Questions We’ll All Have to Answer About Our Financial Decisions
3 Days
There are three questions that we all need to answer regarding our spending, saving, and giving. In this plan, we will examine each of them from a Biblical perspective to ensure that we are using our money as the tool that God intended it to be in our lives.

Kids Bible Experience | Prepping for Easter!
4 Days
Chocolate bunnies…puffy marshmallow chicks…pastel-colored clothes you only wear once a year…it must be Easter season! Join us as we PREPARE our hearts for this truth: Jesus kept God’s promises by dying on a cross for our sins and then raising back to life!

Easter Vocations
4 Days
The vocations represented in the characters of the Easter narrative can teach us a lot about God and how our work is a means of co-laboring with the Risen King. In this four-day plan, we’ll look at the vocations of the disciples at Gethsemane, Joseph of Arimathea, Peter, and Jesus’s first followers to draw out applications for our own work today.

Holy Week - on the Inside of Creation
4 Days
This is a series of short Holy Week reflections beginning with the events on Maundy Thursday, and ending with Resurrection Sunday. They are also glimpses inside the act of Creation itself. When we enter Holy Week we have a front-row seat to God’s creative process. In the end, we discover ourselves as co-creators in Christ, participating in the ongoing act of Creation.

In Anticipation of the Glory That Is to Come
4 Days
Jesus has the authority and all the glory in the days to come. We anticipate this dearly, wanting to be filled more and more with the Holy Spirit.

Easter Artifacts
5 Days
What artifacts do we have that support the amazing events of Easter? This 5 day devotional walks you through five significant artifacts and the role they play to show us the reliability of the events of Easter week.

Jesus’ Death, Resurrection & Return
5 Days
On the Ask NT Wright Anything podcast, Justin Brierley sits down regularly with renowned New Testament theologian NT (Tom) Wright to draw on his wisdom and knowledge as he responds to a wide range of listener questions. This reading plan distils Tom’s answers into short responses and looks at Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, what happens when we die and the return of Christ.

Can the Resurrection Change My Life?
5 Days
We live in a crazy world that is drifting farther away from God by the day, but the power of Jesus’ resurrection is life-changing. The same power of God that raised Jesus from the grave is still available to you today. Let’s tap into that living hope so we can serve the Lord in a way that we never could before.

We Believe: Who Is Jesus Christ?
5 Days
What do Christians believe? Division and controversy seem to be rampant today, but for 2,000 years, Christ-followers have been unified in belief. The oldest confession of faith, the Apostles’ Creed, reminds and teaches us what we believe. In this reading plan, take a fresh look at the Apostles Creed, discovering the major beliefs of Christianity and how the Creed prepares us to share what we believe.

Weird Ideas: Descent to Hell, Then Raised From the Dead
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re in Christ and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to weird ideas and alternate beliefs about reality. This series of 5-day plans uses classic Christian Creeds as a vehicle to explain the Christian worldview compared to the world’s, and help us see reality through Jesus’s eyes.

Holding on to Hope: Easter in Old Testament Poetry
5 Days
In the midst of despair, find hope. In the depths of doubt, fuel your faith. In a season of struggle, rest in your Savior’s embrace. Experience the profound hope of Easter through Old Testament poetry that foretold Christ’s resurrection. This illuminating 5-day plan from poet and Bible teacher Jen Weaver guides you on a pilgrimage to rediscover God’s unwavering presence and pursuit of your heart.

The Footwashing Series: Easter Week
5 Days
Journey through the Passion of Jesus this Easter Week in a way you never have before. Just like Jesus did on Holy Thursday, see Him wash the feet of His friends and betrayers through powerful artwork and creative reflections. Get ready for Jesus to flip the tables of your heart through these viral ©️ Footwashing Series images.

The Crucifixion of Jesus: A Six-Day Meditation on Christ’s Ultimate Sacrifice
6 Days
Jared Brock, award-winning biographer and author of A God Named Josh, takes the account of Jesus’s crucifixion and deftly explores the history, science, theology, and philosophy of Christ’s voluntary sacrifice. In this 6-day plan, you will truly understand how monumental this act of unconditional love was to humanity.

Is Jesus Really God?
7 Days
An increasingly popular claim by skeptics is that Jesus of Nazareth never existed, or, if he did, he was not God. Why should you believe that Jesus is God? No other religion does. What makes Christians right and everyone else wrong? If we're wrong about Jesus, we're wrong about the belief that is most central to our faith. So, how can we defend the existence and deity of Jesus today?

New Beginnings - Relating With Women of the Bible Part 3
7 Days
Part 3 of Relating with Women of the Bible focuses on New Testament women and shows how an encounter with Jesus transforms lives and brings about fresh starts. Let this devotional lead you to a place of healing, encouragement, affirmation of God’s love, restoration, and a new beginning.

Journey to the Cross
7 Days
Pause and pray as you prepare your heart for Easter. Be guided by Pete Greig, as you join Jesus on His journey to the cross, through the tomb, and into resurrection life.

7 Days of the Easter Story: A Family Experience Through the Feelings of Holy Week
7 Days
The happiness on Palm Sunday, the surprise at the Last Supper, the sadness at the cross, the joy at the tomb—the week of Jesus’ death and resurrection was filled with emotion. In this plan by Dr. Josh and Christi Straub, your family will journey through the key moments of Holy Week by encountering the emotions people felt during the week that changed the world.

Easter Family Devotional
7 Days
Welcome to our Easter Devotional! Over the next seven days, we’ll follow the Easter story, from Jesus’ betrayal through those moments on the cross and right into that empty tomb. Day 5 & Day 7 include an activity. The devotional can be completed with or without these practical activities. Keep an eye out on these days for what's required.

Christmas Is in the Heart - 7 Day Video Plan
7 Days
Immerse yourself in the true spirit of Christmas with our "Christmas is in the Heart" digital campaign. This heartwarming program invites you to explore the story of Jesus through captivating LUMO Christmas Film clips, sparking introspection, meaningful discussions, and community engagement. Available in multiple languages, the program ensures that people from diverse backgrounds can share in this enriching experience throughout the Christmas season.

For the Joy Set Before Him
8 Days
The final week in the life of Jesus was no ordinary week. It was a time of bittersweet goodbyes, lavish giving, cruel betrayals and prayers that shook heaven. Experience this week, from Palm Sunday to the miraculous Resurrection, as we read through the Biblical account together. We will cheer with the crowds on Jerusalem’s streets, shout in anger at Judas and the Roman soldiers, cry with the women at the Cross, and celebrate as Easter morning dawns!

For the Joy Set Before Him: An Easter Devotional
8 Days
The final week in the life of Jesus was no ordinary week. It was a time of bittersweet goodbyes, lavish giving, cruel betrayals and prayers that shook heaven. Experience this week, from Palm Sunday to the miraculous Resurrection, as we read through the Biblical account together. We will cheer with the crowds on Jerusalem’s streets, shout in anger at Judas and the Roman soldiers, cry with the women at the Cross, and celebrate as Easter morning dawns!

Holy Week
8 Days
Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday. By following Christ's footsteps through daily scripture readings, take your own spiritual journey and prepare your heart for honoring him this Easter.

Holy Week
8 Days
Experience Easter in a new way as we journey through the Holy Week activities that led up to Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. From clearing the temple to embracing solitude and rest, the Holy Week of Jesus prepares us to encounter resurrection life in a new way!

Passion: The Last Moments of Jesus' Life
8 Days
Passion Week, or "Holy Week," is the most pivotal week in human history. The gospel writers spend one third of the gospels detailing the last moments of Jesus' life. In the following days, you will read the narrative of Passion Week as it's told by gospel writers. Then you'll read reflections about the narrative. These reflections will help you process the narrative and think about what it means for you.