Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to John 10:27

What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?
3 Days
If you ever wonder what it means to really follow Jesus, you’re not alone. We tend to make this harder than it is. In this short Plan, we will learn how Jesus calls us to follow Him, and His heart behind making such a bold request.

How To Be In God's Will
3 Days
Being in God’s will isn’t a mystery. But sometimes we’re so afraid of getting out of His will that we’re paralyzed from moving forward. Know this: God wants to lead you into His perfect will, and if you miss it, He’s big enough to get you back on track. Here are the only two ways to get out of God’s will…

To Those Losing a Loved One: The Gradual Goodbye
3 Days
I had no idea how hard it would be to lose someone you love - in stages. It tore me apart when my dear mom was put on hospice. Watching her decline steadily was heartbreaking and the gradual goodbye was physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausting. Here are some helpful and encouraging things I learned as I walked with her through that deep valley, led by our Good Shepherd and Savior.

The Death Zone – Spiritual Acclimatization
3 Days
The “death zone” on mountains is an area above 8000 meters, which makes survival impossible for extended periods of time. Climbers must properly acclimatize to survive. Similarly, if we aren’t spiritually acclimatized, we limit our ability to survive in the “death zone” of life. This 3-day devotional will guide you through the key components to properly acclimating during your spiritual journey with Christ as your guide!

Bury Your Ordinary Habit Three
3 Days
Jesus made big promises to those who follow him: perfect peace, abiding joy, and supernatural power, but these promises often feel disconnected from our experience. How do we actually take ground in our spiritual growth? Pastor Justin Kendrick has written the book Bury Your Ordinary to teach seven spiritual habits that lead to explosive growth and how to develop them in your life. Dive into the third habit: Receptivity.

How To Hear God's Voice
3 Days
As we go through life there are many voices that can influence our behavior, thoughts, and even the direction we take. Among those voices speaking to us is God, the devil, people, our families, and our own thoughts. The words you listen to begin to shape who you are and the decisions you make. More than any other distraction God wants to connect with us through our communication with Him.

Christ for Everyone - a Three-Day Reading Plan by Chris Ekiss
3 Days
The song “Christ For Everyone” is about the depth and width of God’s Love for everyone, you and me included! Let’s take a look at Scripture together to learn more about this Truth. -Chris Ekiss

Tough Questions With Pastor Mike, Round 8
4 Days
Do you have spiritual questions that you'd love answers for? Questions regarding faith, religion, God, or the Bible? Watch this video series to get some answers, but be prepared to dig into God's Word too!

Fighting to Listen
4 Days
Everyone in the modern world is fighting to be heard, but few are fighting to hear. Listening is an exercise in humility. It opens avenues for learning, and it allows us to participate in things bigger than ourselves. This four-part series explores what the Bible has to say about listening and how fighting to hear might be the very thing we need to implement to transform our lives.

I Surrender: Inspirational Devotions Written by Prisoners
4 Days
The Bible is a book of redemption, freedom, and hope. Within its pages are characters dynamic and full of grit—broken men and women looking for answers. In a way, they’re a lot like the current and former prisoners who authored the devotionals you’re about to read. We hope you are encouraged and inspired by voices from the church behind bars. May their testimony set us all free.

Wake Up!
4 Days
In the stillness of the morning, when the first rays of light kiss the earth, a gentle whisper stirs the depths of our souls. It is the call of God, beckoning us to awaken from our slumber and embrace His divine purpose for our lives. Each day presents a new opportunity to respond to His call, to surrender our will and align ourselves with His perfect plan.

YOU + GOD = MORE THAN ENOUGH (The Keys to Walking in Spiritual Authority & Emotional Intelligence)
4 Days
There are life situations that can make us feel like we aren’t enough. We need spiritual power from heaven knowing that God is right there with us. This bible plan is meant to provide the keys to walking in spiritual authority and emotional intelligence with unwavering confidence.

Releasing His Presence
5 Days
A Devotional Reading Plan based on a sermon by Randy Frazee on the story of Easter as seen through the passages of Genesis 1-3, Exodus 26.31-35, Matthew 27.50-51

Your Personal Calling
5 Days
What's your personal calling? We all need to live a life worthy of the calling we have received. Purpose and calling are closely related. From the Bible, we can clearly identify 5 reasons to exist in this world: 1. To be in relationship with Him. 2. To be in God's family 3. To be like Christ 4. To use your gifts. 5. To be on mission with God

Sin: What Is It And Where Does It Come From?
5 Days
Sexual sin is a specific entanglement within the broader problem of sin. So in this study, we’ll answer the question: What is sin? Like a cracked mirror, sin distorts the beauty of God’s image within us. If we downplay the seriousness of that distorted beauty, we minimize the desperateness of the human situation. And if we minimize the desperateness of the human situation, Christ’s death and Resurrection are rendered meaningless.

Encountering God Through Prayer
5 Days
God has knit into His followers a longing to encounter Him. In this reading plan we will explore ways to experience and hear God in quiet solitude and guided meditation. Tearing down walls that keep you from encountering Him.

Fighting Negative Thoughts
5 Days
Do negative thoughts cloud your mind? This video series shows you that in the words of Jesus you find acceptence, hope, love, companionship, and forgiveness to combat your negativity.

Talking With God
5 Days
Good conversations involve both talking and listening. The same is true as we pray. Too often we focus on the how, when, and where of prayer. But better questions are: “How honest are our prayers?” and “How well do we listen?” Each of the 5 days in this plan contains a short audio message (1-2 minutes). We will cover topics like conversational prayer, praying sincerely, powerful prayers, and listening to God’s voice.

What Do You Want To Hear From God?
5 Days
Imagine standing on the precipice of the most trying difficult time in your life...what do you want to hear from God? In this Guide we will spend some time learning about what we need most to hear from God in our most trying times.

Tune in // God Wants to Speak to You
5 Days
Remember the coach who saw something special in you? Or the teacher that made sure you didn't fall behind? Or the parent who was so happy to see you at the end of the day? God wants to be this, and so much more, in the lives of men like you. His still, small voice wants to tell you more. This 5 day plan will help you tune in.

Who Is Jesus?
5 Days
This five-day reading plan taps into the pivotal question asked and debated for generations: Who Is Jesus? During this devotional journey, Pastor Louie Giglio invites you to meet God in both your intellect and heart by uncovering what history and Scripture have to say about Jesus.

Experiencing God in Prayer
5 Days
Plan Overview: 1. Be Honest 2. Talking with God 3. When Your Mind Wanders 4. Learn to Listen 5. Be Still

Jesus Revealed Pt. 10 - I AM!
5 Days
A person’s name is his or her first identifier. Have you noticed that a person, more often than not, takes on the characteristics of their name? We see this a lot in the Bible – but have you looked at your own name and its meaning? Plan 10 is the significance of Jesus calling Himself “I AM”. Do we take comfort in knowing Jesus is WHO He says He is?

Listen For God's Voice
5 Days
How do you hear God's voice in an age filled with ring tones and digital alerts? This Abide plan "Listen for God's Voice" digs into the need to slow down and be still long enough to commune with God.

Meditation Moments
5 Days
This plan presents some thought-provoking short messages for you to consider during your daily meditation moments and draws from scrIpture and practical real-life experiences to provide spiritual nourishment to boost your day. This plan is a supplementary resource to encourage and edify the reader as he/she focuses on God for strength and sustenance through the word of God.