Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Isaiah 40:2

The Right Vision
3 Days
How will you prepare to celebrate the birth of the Savior this year? Many people have traditions such as listening to Christmas music, sending cards, decorating a tree, or reading the Christmas story. During this Advent devotion, we'll be looking at 5 different responses from people who were present for the coming of Jesus and we'll look at how they prepared for His arrival. We'll now look at Simeon’s response.

Forgiven, Loved, Free
3 Days
Do you ever struggle to believe you’re truly forgiven? Do you feel like you need to work up a bit of a good streak in your life before God will really be pleased with you? Check out this 3-day plan and find out how you can have assurance that you are truly forgiven, loved, and free.

Doorkeeper: Dwelling in the Presence of God
3 Days
Dwelling in the presence of God is marked by waiting, being unhurried, and humility - and yet, all of those things can be so incredibly difficult. Inspired by the song "Doorkeeper" from CXMMXNS + Kory Miller, join us for a 3-day journey through God's word.

Dwell | Advent
4 Days
Advent invites us to journey through the darkness to discover the light, the incarnate Word of God who "shines in the darkness" (John 1:5). This plan focuses upon the weekly themes of Advent—hope, peace, joy, and love—and serves as a guide through each week of the season. It is taken from our book, Dawn, with reflections for every day of Advent available within the Dwell Bible App.

The Christmas Story
5 Days
Every good story has a plot twist—an unexpected moment that changes everything. One of the biggest plot twists in the Bible is the Christmas story. Over the next five days, we’ll explore how this one event changed the world and how it can change your life today.

Hope Singapore: Greatness Of Jesus
5 Days
Through Jesus, God revealed Himself and dwelt amongst His created man. This is the second part of the 3-part series devotion on the Bible-revealed Greatness of God and His Plan. While the first part focus on certain aspects of the Greatness of God, this part discusses on the Greatness of Jesus in the areas of His obedience, humility, gentleness, sacrifice and authority. May this devotion bless you and refresh you in the Lord.

Confessing The Hebrew Scriptures
5 Days
While most of us understand that the Old Testament Scriptures were written primarily in the Hebrew language, very few of us can read or understand Hebrew. Therefore, we are forced to read the various English translations of the Bible. And, while there are many excellent translations out there, they often miss the nuances, insight, and deeper revelation found in the original Hebrew.

Jesus, Our Risen Savior: An Easter Family Devotional
5 Days
How is your family preparing for Easter? Through this short and sweet devotional (especially helpful if you’re teaching little ones with short attention spans), Scott James brings to light the many things that Christ’s life and resurrection means for us not only through the season of Lent, but all year long.

Walking in the Wilderness
5 Days
A series by Heidi Wysman. Mountaintops are fun but we can’t stay there forever. Most of us will go back to the wilderness many times. But the wilderness doesn’t have to be a frightening place.Through this study we discover that the wilderness can be a place of beauty, a place of empowerment, a place where God is.

Soul Care Part 2: Solitude
5 Days
Self-care has become all the rage. Clean eating, rest, exercise, essential oils, ‘me time’. Yes, all these types of self-care are great, but do you continue to find yourself struggling with stress, anxiety, anger, insecurity, or self-doubt? Maybe there’s some deeper spiritual care needed. This series, Soul Care, will explore how to take care of your soul… the most important part of you.

Advent: Celebrating Christ's Arrival
5 Days
Advent serves as a season of both reflection and anticipation. Though the traditional Advent season begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, this 5-day plan can be done over any five days during the Christmas season. We’ll dive into various Scriptures, each corresponding to spiritual themes of hope, peace, joy, and love. These themes deepen our understanding of how we are called to await the coming of the Lord.

Navigating Election Season With Biblical Wisdom
5 Days
Too often, the only question we ask during election season is, "How should I vote?" It's also important to ask the question "What does the Bible say about how I should navigate political conversations and decisions?

6 days
There is power in your testimony! Over the next six days, discover what it means to be a witness of Jesus and how the words you speak can help grow his kingdom.

Finding Comfort
6 Days
We all face times when it seems life just falls apart. Whether health, financial, relational, or even world events, our hearts can be captured by fear and overwhelmed by anxiety. If you need comfort, you’ve come to the right place. My hope over the next six days is that you will discover the comforting touch of God.

Embracing Advent
6 Days
Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas Day. During this time, the Church universal is invited to become more intentional: 1) to look back in thankfulness for Jesus’ birth; and 2) to look forward in the hope of full restoration when He comes again. These reflections are designed to help you engage and embrace this season.

The Habit Breaker – Ems Hancock
7 Days
If your life has ever been dogged by habits you couldn’t shake off or you struggle to believe you’ll ever be truly free, this devotional plan is for you. Ems Hancock shares biblical insights into the roots of our habits, how to break destructive behavior patterns, and how to replace them with life-enriching habits. Start your journey toward true freedom now.

Become Emotionally Healthy!
7 Days
Invisible suffering is not hidden before God. Even the oldest wounds are not forgotten. He knows them, He sees them, and He wants to heal you of them. He promises to comfort you and to bring an end to your warfare. In this reading plan, we will take a better look at this!

Biblical Leadership Bootcamp
7 Days
Do you feel like you’re stuck in a slump? Are you feeling burnt out as a leader? This 7-day leadership plan with excerpts from John C. Maxwell will help you hit the reset button on being a Godly leader. Reset your heart and refocus on being the best leader you can be through Christ.

7 Days of Rest (Part 2)
7 Days
In part 2 of this devotional, you're going to continue to discover that God is committed to keeping His promises to you––no matter how far you've fallen, how often you've failed, or where you are in life. God doesn't need our holiness to prove His holiness. He doesn't need our promises to keep His promises. The struggle is over and Jesus did it all.

Waiting for the Savior
7 Days
Advent is a season of waiting, hope and expectancy. As we prepare for Christmas day, we both celebrate the birth of Christ and look forward to the day He returns again. For the next 7 days, prepare for the celebration of our Savior by reading the Christmas story from a different perspective each day!

The Irresistible Nature of God
7 Days
Focusing on Colossians 1 and 2, Bobbie Houston has lovingly prepared this 7 day journey of awakening and awareness to the intimacy that is available to you in your relationship with God. Bobbie prays 7 heartfelt prayers to help you embrace your time of pause, so that whatever the circumstances of your season, you will emerge with a deeper understanding of your God and who you are in Christ.

The Remnant
7 Days
God always preserves a remnant of true believers in an unbelieving world. They are his faithful witnesses who stand against the world’s systems, fleshly appetites, and devilish schemes. Often they stand alone facing floods, fires, lions, and giants, in order to faithfully follow God. In this seven-day plan, reconsider some of your favorite biblical stories through the eyes of the believing and courageous remnant.

The Promised Messiah
7 Days
The Promised Messiah is a four-week Bible study for the season of Advent. As we dive into the specific messianic promises God gave His people, we’ll see how Jesus fulfilled every single one of these promises and how He continues to keep His promises, even today.

Useful to God
8 Days
Drawing on James Spencer's book titled Useful to God: Eight Lessons from the Life of D. L. Moody, this Bible Plan examines eight characteristics evident in the Scriptures and in the life of 19th century evangelist Dwight Moody (e.g., surrendered, prayerful, humbled, undistracted, and studious). A free guide including these reflections along with activities and additional devotional content is also available for download from D. L. Moody Center.