Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Hebrews 11:6

Popular In Heaven, Famous In Hell
3 Days
In this instructive, 3-day devotional, renowned theologian RT Kendall encourages you to stop valuing your reputation with people more than your reputation with God. Based on his book Popular in Heaven, Famous in Hell , these daily readings show you how to live a life that both pleases God and terrifies Satan.

Active Faith: James And The Call To Works
3 Days
How do we keep our faith alive and active? How do we prevent it from the death James talks about? It begins with understanding how not just faith and works fit together – but how our expectations and actions come together to create the life God has called us to. Discover the powerful formula James lays out for us and begin activating your faith today!

Where Do You Place Your Trust?
3 Days
Which is your favorite chair? Do you trust it will hold you? What about other parts of your life? Where do you place your trust? These guided audio meditations begin by centering on where we place our hope. Then a meditation on placing confidence in God because of what He has done for you before. Finally, a reflection on faith and discovering the courage you seek is already within you.

Seeing The Big Picture Of Your Purpose
3 Days
Seeing the "Big Picture" of God's purpose for your life helps you to live it out. Often, though, we get trapped in the tyranny of the urgent and miss the view. Let NY-Times best-selling author Bruce Wilkinson serve as your personal purpose-coach in this 3-day reading plan.

The Death Zone – Spiritual Acclimatization
3 Days
The “death zone” on mountains is an area above 8000 meters, which makes survival impossible for extended periods of time. Climbers must properly acclimatize to survive. Similarly, if we aren’t spiritually acclimatized, we limit our ability to survive in the “death zone” of life. This 3-day devotional will guide you through the key components to properly acclimating during your spiritual journey with Christ as your guide!

Bury Your Ordinary Habit Three
3 Days
Jesus made big promises to those who follow him: perfect peace, abiding joy, and supernatural power, but these promises often feel disconnected from our experience. How do we actually take ground in our spiritual growth? Pastor Justin Kendrick has written the book Bury Your Ordinary to teach seven spiritual habits that lead to explosive growth and how to develop them in your life. Dive into the third habit: Receptivity.

Living With Fear & Walking by Faith
3 Days
As a believer, you must learn how to live with fear and walk with faith. These are not mutually exclusive; they are part of a foundation of our consciousness established by God Himself. The enemy attacks our mind to throw our body and our spirit out of alignment by establishing fear as a foothold, but faith is the first defense we have against our inner and outer fears!

Faith, Hope and Love - Corrie Ten Boom
3 Days
Throughout the generations, several Bible verses have been very important in the lives of family ten Boom. This reading plan around the theme of FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE will help you see the meaning and application of these verses to your own life as well.

Healing: The False Truths Blocking Divine Healing
3 Days
This plan aims to expose the lies often heard that obstruct the workings of the Holy Spirit in divine healing. Jesus stated that knowing the truth will set us free. So, what are these false truths (lies) that prevent us from fully experiencing healing?

I'm Enthusiastic
4 Days
Do you ever just feel flat? You’re not alone—even King David ran out of joy. Start reading part five of the six-part Stay Positive series and rekindle your enthusiasm.

Ready Set Go! How To Run This Race Called Life
4 Days
How many of us have said this year will be different? My prayer is that it really will be. God designed us with a specific purpose. And the life He's given us is meant to be lived pursuing that purpose. Not looking back or standing stagnant, but relentlessly going after Him with passion and expectation. My prayer is that this devotional aids you in that pursuit. Ok, Ready, Set GO!

Heroes Of The Faith Video Devotionals
4 Days
Tony Evans talks about heroes of the faith found in Hebrews 11 in each of these short, inspiring video devotionals. Grow your faith through the lessons of others who lived their faith out well.

God's Always Speaking // How Do We Listen?
4 Days
God speaks to us. In fact, He’s always speaking, directly and indirectly, through His still small voice and through the people around us. Are you listening? This 4 day plan will help you hone your skills so you can tune into His clear voice, even amidst all the noise of this life. May you be encouraged by what He has to tell you!

Limitless Faith
4 Days
The Lord is inviting you to a greater measure of faith, faith without limits! Many of us have promises and prophetic words from the Lord but they’re sitting on the shelf. In this devotional, you will learn how to see through a heavenly lens, beyond the natural realm, and step out in faith!

Strong Faith.
4 Days
God wants every one of us to have a STRONG FAITH—one that not only sees us through the rough times in life but also shapes us and makes us more and more like Christ. Bishop David A. Hadley Sr. reminds us that the bible commands “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was STRONG in FAITH, giving glory to God” (Romans 4:20 KJV)

The Hall of Faith
4 Days
Faith is something so intangible that it is sometimes very difficult for us to understand. Thank God for the writer of Hebrews who, inspired by the Holy Spirit, left us a beautiful description full of practical examples of what it is to live by faith. Enjoy this plan and may your faith be enriched.

When Disappointment Strikes
4 Days
Been dealing with disappointment? None of us are exempt from experiencing it. No matter who we are, we’ll all walk through times when we didn’t get what we wanted. So, what do we do with our disappointments? Is it wrong for us to feel this way? In this 4-Day Bible Plan, we’ll look at how we define, accept, process, and use our disappointments for good.

Heroes of the Faith, Part 1
4 Days
How can the heroes of the Bible inspire us to greatness? Join us in this four-day reading plan as Kristi Krauss motivates us with Abel's great faith, Enoch's walk with God, Noah's lifelong obedience, and Abraham's amazing strength. Don't be surprised if these testimonies transform your life.

Heroes of the Faith, Part 4
4 Days
How can the heroes of the Bible inspire us to greatness? Join us in this four-day reading plan as Kristi Krauss motivates us with Ehud's cleverness, Deborah's leadership, Gideon's bravery, and Jephthah's self-esteem. Don't be surprised if these testimonies transform your life.

Inside The Atheist Mind: 5-Day Devotional
5 Days
A witty and devastating takedown of the "new" atheist position, Inside the Atheist Mind debunks the theories of Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, and others, revealing how inconsistent, illogical, and frankly ludicrous their conclusions truly are. Poking fun at atheists in a clever and intelligent way, Anthony DeStefano demonstrates just how full of holes the new atheism is and reveals that it is actually a "religion" of its own, complete with a creed, a set of commandments, a rigid moral code, and rewards and punishments. More than that, DeStefano exposes that atheism is itself a "superstition" of the worst kind.

Faith Vs Fate
5 Days
In the world, many people view their destiny as their Fate- or as the saying goes , “whatever will be, will be.” But as a believer, Faith is the word that should be part of our vocabulary, for faith is a gift given to men after they have put their trust in God and this faith can chart a different course for your life. Are you fate-driven or are you faith-driven ? I hope this plan will help you move from a fate to faith mindset!

Stop Trying, Start Trusting By Pete Briscoe
5 Days
Trying to please God can be exhausting. But the good news is that's not what He wants us to do! In this 5-day reading plan Pete Briscoe teaches from Scripture to show us why we need to stop trying and start trusting. A life of trusting God is what He desires!

Standing Tall In A Falling World By Angelique du Toit
5 Days
This 5-day reading plan on living with purpose will encourage readers to develop their God-given talents, to shine a light in a fallen world and to walk closer to God every day. Each day features thoughts on a specific theme (such as purpose, trust, inner healing and hope) and ends with a Scripture verse. The content for this reading plan is based on Angelique du Toit’s "Standing Tall in a Falling World".

Five Ways to Overcome Stress: A Daily Devotional
5 Days
Stress causes so many problems in our society – poor physical and mental health, broken relationships, and lives barely half-lived. It’s an enormous problem and a vicious enemy, but it’s not unbeatable. In fact, God in His wisdom has given us clear guidance on how to overcome it, in His life-giving Word.

Faith That Delivers
5 Days
God loves His children. His Word, the Bible, details His wondrous thoughts, actions, and plans for His children. Then why are scores of us living in situations beneath His promises? One reason is a lack of knowledge in applying faith. This Bible Plan shares how to use our God-given faith to experience God's promises. God's Word is His will for you. Transform your life by applying Faith That Delivers!